[Right][H2][color=#CA9BF7]Fia Blackfire[/color][/H2][/right] [hr] Fia stood close to Forbann as the others continued conversing, awaiting his answer. Though the seriousness of her proposal could be questioned, it seemed to have made at least one of the others blush. Fia turned her head to look back at the noble knight. Seeing the young woman flustered, Fia couldn’t help but slowly smile. “Are you perhaps a little envious, my dear Carnatia?” said Fia coyly. Fia continued to smile at the orange haired spellsword, tilting her head as though adding pressure. Fia’s turned to look again when Forbann shifted and spoke up. Using pure logic, Forbann turned down Fia’s request. Fia looked up at the ferromancer and frowned, but it didn’t seem to affect Forbann’s attitude toward the situation in general. Fia took a step back, “I guess there isn’t a way around it,” sighed Fia. “I’ve had my time in the rain. I think I would rather wait for the bath. At least our silent fellow will replace the hot water, won’t you dear?” said Fia, raising her voice so that the man who initially offered the bath could hear. Fia walked around the table towards the spellsword who took Fia’s place in line for the bath. She reached out and rested her index finger and thumb under Carnatia’s chin and cheek, pulling the two of them closer. “If size is the issue, then perhaps we two would be a better match.” Fia looked into Carnatia’s eyes for several seconds. Before long, Fia cracked a smile and her eyes closed shut as she chuckled. She pulled back dramatically and sat down onto one of the loose chairs strewn around the table. Fia moved one of her hairs that got stuck on her face out of the way. “Go ahead dear. I don’t mind waiting a bit longer. Just so long as the water is hot when it’s my turn.” said Fia sweetly with a smile. Fia then turned in the chair to look at the map ahead on the table, void of trinkets but instead replaced with a pouch of coins. A detour? Fia wondered to herself what was in these places mentioned. Did something in the house reveal a need to venture further south?