[b] The First Lotus ~Lexianna's Garden~[/b] When I step in to the garden I'm instantly draped in the essence of the Current Lotus. Her distinct feel, her warmth. If I wasn't already emotionally tired, this would've done it. How does she go around [i]feeling[/i] this much all the time? What an utterly exhaustive state. And distracting. I imagine Alastair would understand though. For the others I'm sure this is comforting. I watch Omega march around the tree. I expect to see her come around the opposite side of the tree but when she reappears her face is perplexed. "I see you've found something strange." I hold up a finger to her, "Hold that thought. I did say [i]talk[/i] to the tree. " I lay my hand against it. Let our natures mingle, let it recognize me. I open my mind to Omega, inviting her to the conversation.Then I speak to the tree, asking my questions without ever moving my lips. [i] What do you have for me? What's happening here? [/i] [b]Blaze ~ Shadowhold battlegrounds~[/b] My sister appears where Gaul was moments before. Her small body is still. So still. I hyper focus on her and my ears pick up the steady beat of her heart. I yank the heal-y sword off her back and touch her with it. She looks like someone threw her in a pool of wine. I know the dark red slathering her is nothing so innocent. It's impossible to tell how much of it is hers. I walk around her scanning her with my tablet to check her vitals. While they configure, I peel back one of her eyelids to check her pupils. They're large and completely blood red. I swallow hard. My sister Inferna and I both have our father's red eyes, but Flame has our mother's eyes. Our mother used to say Flame was a true child of Haust. Her hair is a match to the sandy colored hills of Haust in autumn and her eyes the sprawling meadows of green. Flame's eyes are green.