[quote=@Nemeses] So eager to repeat how someone else is to blame for all the problems you’ve caused. *Brings one leg back before jetting forward directly into the asteroid, emerging in a beam of light and an explosion on the other side with a scowl* If you’re worried about how well you’ll sleep tonight in the face if your guilt, I can assure you that you won’t have to worry about that ever again. [/quote] *Holds both of my hands out toward the chunks of rock barreling toward me and as they draw near, one crack forms, and then another, before finally the remains of the asteroid crash into celestial rubble, filling up the area* Enough of the grandstanding, both of you. We have a job to do, and we're going to finish that job. *Magic circles form in sequence above me, and I rocket into the air, ping-ponging between unpredictable points in space as I spiral toward where you stand*