[center][h1]???[/h1] [h3]~An unknown time after the subjugation of the Drowned One, and the slaying of its spawn.~[/h3][/center] [hr] [center][color=#bb3385]I am young and I am old. I was born of my great parent. To fight the hated grown soldiers. My essence torn from it Given locomotion by it Given hatred and intent by it. And in the end. Abandoned by it. Its mind was the glowing one's now Gone from me. Gone from my dead siblings. Gone from the silent and cold dark. I ran. I wanted to live. I ran. The heat was intense I ran. My feet burned. I ran. My new lungs seized for lack of air. I ran. I felt her burning eyes upon me from so far away. I could see them in the fires around me. In the rivers of molten flame. In the small creatures that tried to burn me. Her hand pulled me under the currents of flame. I could not run. I waited to become the heat. For my form to be consumed by its better hate. To return to the quiet and dark. I could not run. But I did not find the dark. I did not become the heat. My form was not consumed. Instead I opened my eyes to this place. A void in the molten stone. I feel it. The pressure. The heat of the molten wall that holds me still. All held at bay by her whim. I do not see her. But she is here. Her eyes. Her touch. She pulls my essence from me. She weaves it in the air. The heat causing it to sway and writhe. It dances in long strands. It is beautiful now. I am beautiful now. She speaks to me as she weaves me, She says that she does not hate me. She says that she can't hate me. She says that it is because she needs me. Through me she wants to see the dark. Through me she wants to speak to the cold. Through me she wants to whisper to those who watch. She sings as she pulls a great strand of essence from my head. I like the sound. She sings as she weaves it into the complex design. I feel her song resonate into my being. She sings into the array before her. She only stops to hear if anything sings back. If they sing to her. I do not hear. If they talk to her. I cannot know. All at once. I am nothing. All at once. I am something. All at once. I am young and I am old.[/color][/center] [hr] [hider= Summary] A spawn of the Drowned One, captured by Anat’aa in the closing of the battle, awakens to find itself entombed far beneath the newly formed Traps. While it finds itself in a pocket of air among the molten rock, it is still immobilized by the magma. It is then approached by Anat’aa who begins to pull its inherent void essence from its body. She explains to the spawn that she is using it to try and contact the void. As Anat’aa tunes the Spawns essence like an antenna, she infuses the designs she creates with a trickle of her own power. The spawn interprets this as a song sung to the void. [/hider] [Hider=Mp Use] ~No expenditures to list [/hider]