For a moment, Tillie worried her hearing had gone. Surely, she thought, Quinnlash Loughvein wasn’t asking [i]her[/i] for lessons. Why would anyone want to learn from her? Moreover, what did she have to teach anyone? Teaching was…well, she’d been told often and firmly how inane her ramblings were, and judging by her own experiences as a student, that was unideal for a teacher. She didn’t know if she could explain how to make a sandwich [i]simply[/i], how on earth could she possibly convey the field of modiology in a way that was at once palatable and, importantly, [i]not[/i] annoying. Impossible, surely. Then again, if there was ever a reason to find a way… Tillie beamed, releasing a squeal high-pitched enough to alert the dogs down on Illun. “[color=f26522]Ohmigosh [i]yes[/i]! Uhm! I mean! Absolutely I can, totally, yes—ma’am. I’d love to, that’d be awesome. I could, well, no I don’t have a real lunch break for the next few days. Actually I’ll probably be stuck here ‘til after dinner—but! Uhm! After that, if you want, we could meet up, I could explain some of the things we’re looking at.[/color]” Maybe that was better. Rather than just vomit modiology at her, she could focus on [i]Ablaze[/i], and work backwards from there. It wouldn’t be the most comprehensive syllabus, but Quinn was right; it couldn’t hurt if pilots understood the actual mechanics behind their profession a little better. “[color=f26522]We couldn’t really have it in the labs, the sorta bolt everything shut after dark, and I think if we tried to meet on the shop levels you might get swarmed,[/color]” she giggled. She’d already heard stories about how excited everyone was to have [i]Ablaze[/i]’s pilot here. “[color=f26522]My room’s too small, and I’m not really unpacked yet anyway. Oh! I know there’s a curfew for you guys, but maybe we could meet in the dorms, and I could just slip on out before then![/color] “[color=f26522]Uhm! Oh gosh, I mean—I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to assume. We don’t have to do it tonight if you don’t want to. I was just sorta, y’know, [i]ugh[/i], new environment and all that. Has me a bit frazzled. Seeing a friendly face is just kinda calming.[/color]”