[Center][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/230630/dbab70c9b1cdcc2c03d8d06889f71821.png[/img][/center] "Hey! Zell, Kass, come here!” James called out. Barracker made his way over towards the Cleric and MacKensie, arriving as Zell did. "Yes? Oh fearless leader," the swordsman spoke. Zell’s smart mouth humour may not have been to everyone’s taste but Barracker was fond of it for obvious reasons. He addressed James, [Color=Green]“What do you need?”[/color] “I saw you get a nasty hit and there is no reason to not address it now, they likely know we are here so it's better to be on top of our game" [Color=Green]“I normally wrap myself up after the mission,”[/color] Barracker took the bag and started patching himself up with practised ease. The Paladin gave a nod of thanks. "How many spells you got?" Zell asked. "My shoulder's fucked mate, but to be honest, I'd rather fight left handed if it means you have a spare healing spell for emergencies. Better to have one and not use it, than need one and not have it, ye know what I mean." Under James’ supervision Zell began patching himself up and Barracker helped out with parts that were difficult to do solo. The Paladin noticed that James was struggling to stand without the help of MacKensie so he passed the medical supplies to her. [Color=Green]“Here, hold this?”[/color] he asked, then put his leather jerkin and underarmour back on. Barracker walked away to track down his shield that had smashed entirely through the bookcase giving way to a gaping hole made through. [Color=Green][i]I need to keep an eye on James,[/i][/color] he thought as he dislodged the shield from the wall. As the vampire held his shield, he rotated his shoulders and gave them a stretch. “All set?” He checked with the others before placing his mask on. Everyone followed Adam through the secret entrance, sticking as a unit the party came across their final target. It was floating besides a follower with bodies littering the ground. Barrackers' gut told him he would not be trifled with. Zell was the first to interact with the man who gave an angry retort. "Well, I feel underappreciated," Zell said drily to Barracker. Barracker shot a mean smirk back to the swordsman as his pre-battle adrenaline started pumping again. [Color=Green]“You know, you should meet my friend Krillen.”[/color] He was speaking a bit too casual, considering the circumstances, but Zell’s cool lack of seriousness was rubbing off on him. He looked back at the enemy but continued to speak to the swordsman. [Color=Green]“I have a feeling that you two would get along great.” [/color] The wraiths and skeletons that had been summoned advanced on Second Chance. The Paladin got into a duel with the closest wraith, man vs spectre, ghost blade vs claymore. The sound of the clashing weapons was strange, not quite like metal on metal but strangely warped somehow, as if a broken whistle was struggling to blow, over and over. The vampire eventually got the better of his adversary, resulting in the burning and screeching of the wraith. Then he flanked the wraith that was troubling Zell, with Barracker’s movement staying behind, and then ended the threat with a swift, powerful vertical slice. A couple of skeletons zoned in on the Paladin’s position. His shield arm was quick to move to defend against their attacks, and then he rotated himself to meet them.