In the crisp night air, Lyra felt a weight lift from her shoulders, the suffocating atmosphere of the tavern giving way to a sense of liberation. The cool breeze brushed against her skin, refreshing after the warmth of the crowded inn, offering a moment of respite from the chaos that had unfolded within. Glancing around, Lyra noted with a mixture of relief and frustration that the streets were considerably emptier than before, the hustle and bustle of midday now replaced by a quieter serenity. Yet, the lingering presence of a few lingering passerby served as a start reminder of their lack of privacy, a barrier to the candid conversation she knew they needed to have. As Finrod suggested a walk outside the city's walls, Lyra's initial reaction was one of reluctance. [i]Out there?[/i] she thought, her grip tightening on the strap of her pack. [i]Away from the safety of Whiterun? I just got here.[/i] But even as her instincts screamed for caution, she knew that she couldn't stay hidden within the city's confines forever. With a resigned nod, she acquiesced, her mind already racing with contingency plans should their excursion take a turn for the worse. As they began to walk, Lyra stole a sidelong glance at Finrod, her eyes tracing the contours of his face. Tall and imposing, with a square jaw and golden hair that seemed to shimmer in the moonlight, he exuded an otherworldly aura that both intrigued and unsettled her.[i] Who are you, really?[/i] she wondered, her gaze lingering on the faint scars that marred his skin, creeping out from beneath the collar of his tunic, a testament to the trials he had surely endured. Despite her curiosity, Lyra remained guarded, keeping her distance as they walked, the silence between them punctuated only by the rhythmic sound of their footsteps on the cobblestone path. She couldn't afford to let her guard down, not yet. After all, they were still strangers, only bound together by a shared experience that defied explanation. And until she knew more about him, she would keep it that way.