[i]Why her[/i]... [i]Why me[/i]... [i]what was that strange vision[/i], Finrods mind racing with thoughts, as Lyra followed behind, the duo headed towards the cities gates. [i]Am I sure I can trust her?[/i]... As the pair exited the city and down the path, Finrods mind started to replay the images he had seen just before... [i]What do they Blades have to do with anything?[/i]... Finrod recounting his knowledge that the Blades once resided in the Skyhaven Temple in western Skyrim... But what were the strange symbols? [i]I think I have seen words similar before...but where?[/i] Finrod is questioning everything at this moment, most of all, his unexplainable sense to want to trust Lyra, which causes him to want to trust her less at the same time... Still yet, he is going to bring her to his serene retreat... As they continue down the road south east of the city, Finrod decides to try to break the silence and unending tension between the duo. "So... Lyra, what brought you to Whiterun?" He asked hoping for some sense of clue as to her appearance and then their seemingly shared vision.