With their spears snapped by Agent Zhao's empowered strikes, the phantom ashigaru had little choice but to step back and attempt to regroup, something they were unable to do due to the arrows loosed by Agent Tachibana. And, indeed, the most immediate threat in the form of the arquebus-wielding ashigaru had already been dealt with. Unfortunately, this success was not to last. As the latest victims of the Agents' assault collapsed into black ooze, it seemed as if the next line of defenses was already moving into place. Arguebus-wielding Ashigaru entered from open spots in the walls, using the damaged mansion's halls as cover as they raised their weapons and took aim. Joining them were phantoms wielding katanas, sticking near their ranged comrades in a bid to make it more difficult to directly assault them. Finally, the line of spear-wielding ashigaru blocking off the main hallway had reformed, to prevent any attempt to run past the defense. But that wasn't all. Behind the spear line was a taller figure, now, clad in less worn and more maintained armor. A katana was gripped in both of his hands. Perhaps not a samurai, simply lacking the ostentatious decoration of such warriors' armor, but some form of more capable mercenary? Or rather a phantom evoking such a fighter. However--- The as the Agents passed further down the hall, the ooze left behind by the slain soldiers was starting to slowly move, stirring... [@PKMNB0Y][@Psyker Landshark][@Raineh Daze]