[h2]Church[/h2] "Quiet." "Demure." "Didn't draw too much attention to herself." All laudable goals, maybe even theoretically obtainable if Nero had been asked about them beforehand. But she hadn't been, which meant that almost as soon as the door was thrown open, a certain short blonde was flouncing up to them, giving a boisterous welcome. "... oh, and Leah says 'Why would I know what can go on focaccia? I don't know, cheese?'," the other blonde added, Italian accent swapping to an imitation of an English one as she relayed what could only be the Overseer's apparent lack of strong interest in whatever her Master was planning to cook. After a moment's pause, she carried on, "Can I get you anything to drink?" Inside the church, and specifically within the bounded fields established, she didn't give off the impression of a Servant. Although, she was still loud, and very... inappropriately dressed. A [url=https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/659112766124064768/1205587468263624795/Neros_Crimson_Modern_Clothes.webp?ex=65d8e9d3&is=65c674d3&hm=6a474a9696af6b07a7f2535c12ecaa52c4f4285371d414d30908180037c10468&]scandalously short dress[/url] didn't seem quite at home inside a church. Then again, neither did the war's overseer drinking from a can of cheap beer over by the altar, only now looking up to see who had come in.