Ellie took the hand offered to her with a smile, letting her chauffeur who was actually another undercover officer help her out of the limo they'd arrived in. She wore a long strapless golden dress with matching heels, her hair had been styled and tied up high in a hairstyle she couldn't pronounce. D'Angelo had explained what she would be doing exactly, from start to finish with clear instructions on what she needed to accomplish. Looking up at the near gleaming hotel as other guests moved towards the front doors, she couldn't help but wish she hadn't pestered her boss into letting her out into the field. This hadn't been at all on her mind, but here she was and though not a high-ranking case she had no intention of failing. Turning to collect her small purse which held a decoy phone and the device she needed to strategically place, she let her other hand move through Delta's fur once before moving away. Exhaling through her nose she ascended the stairs that led to the doors, head high and expression calm despite her stomach being twisted in knots. She tried to keep her eyes from widening as she was let inside, pace only stuttering for a fraction of a second at the sheer beauty of the entrance. Willing her heart to settle as she walked forward to where a line had formed, Ellie let her eyes close for a second to center herself. She was the daughter of a foreign businessman who wanted to see if Mr. Crawford and his company would be a great aid in helping expand his own business would be a good venture. Her eyes caught on the man everyone was pausing to greet with handshakes and smiles, no doubt this was the man in charge of tonight's event. Forcing herself to calm and not look like a panic foal caught unawares, Ellie let a practiced smile curl her lips as the line moved forward. Mannerisms drilled into her from a young age by loving parents who held money and a regular presence at social gatherings that demanded respect, she fell easily into them now. She needed to prove that she could do this, that she could curb her own hyperfixation on certain cases by herself without someone tugging her ear to get her attention.