Watching Lyra drift off to sleep, looking peaceful as ever, Finrod thought to himself how she just seems like a sweet girl looking for a place in the world... [i]Maybe it was fated her and I met...Sleep well, Sweet Lyra[/i] The night hung in a delicate balance, its silence broken only by the crackling of the fire and Finrod's restless thoughts. His eyes refused to succumb to sleep, knowing that if Lyra stirred, his presence would offer her a semblance of security. As he tended to the fire, he couldn't escape the nagging question echoing in his mind [i]What is happening to me...?[/i] For almost three decades, he had navigated the tumultuous world of Tamriel without allowing anyone too close. Yet, here he was, willingly sacrificing his rest for someone he'd only recently met. The moon, a silent spectator, cast a soft glow, illuminating Finrod's contemplative expression. Lost in the dance of shadows, Finrod couldn't shake the revelation that he hadn't tried so hard for someone in years. The quiet beauty of the night seemed to magnify his internal conflict. As the embers glowed, Finrod's thoughts drifted back to a darker time, to the war and the Thalmor Embassy. The weight of lives taken in the name of duty bore heavily on his soul, faces of those he had slain haunting his every reflection. [i]What is Lyra would think if she knew the things I've done?[/i] he pondered, the ache of remorse etched across his face. The night slowly relinquished its hold as the sun crested over the mountain, bathing the world in the warm hues of a new day. Finrod, still grappling with his past, faced the dawn with a mixture of hope and uncertainty, wondering if the light of this new day might illuminate a path toward forgiveness and redemption. [i]This is going to be a long day...[/i] Finrod thought to himself, realizing he surrendered his sleep for Lyras sake, even if its not what she wanted, He just could'nt help but make sure she was protected.