As Adam blocked the doors, he couldn't help thinking of the Lincoln Logs he got for Christmas years ago, arranging multiple trees in neat rows like the present he received. Sizing each piece of wood so that it was just as large as the passageway behind the team, it would take a great deal of force for any enemies to make their way to Second Chance. Toys and decorating a tree while combating a cult - this was turning into a strange, bloody day. Christmas on Earth was definitely preferable to this. This wasn't something the Druid wanted to dwell on though. Running to catch up to the others, he arrived just in time to see the opposing forces beginning to charge their way. James had instructed them to find the “phylactery” - whatever that was - but Adam didn't think it made sense to expose his un-armored self to enemy strikes. And the Cleric was too busy casting for the fisherman to ask what it would even look like anyway. Yeah, a different tactic would be needed, at least for now. Instead, he grabbed two more acorns, growing them into full sized trees. Who would be the best targets though? Certainly not the wraiths, the ghostly stuff was better left to people that could actually hurt them. Skeletons though, the Druid knew from direct experience that [i]they[/i] could be hurt. So with that in mind, he found a group of three or four of them that his partners weren't handling and sent an oak their way. It wasn't elegant, but they wouldn't be getting up again. Seeing no more bones on the field, Adam knew he had to do something with the other tree he possessed. And seeing as the cult leader was a very real threat, the Druid sent his plant towards the Listener, hoping it would have a literal positive impact on the fight.