The moment they stepped through the door, Ellie felt her shoulders relax. She hadn't expected camera crews to be crowding the front, Delta hadn't been too pleased either but had kept quiet. Now her tail was wagging with so much force it made a breeze, lips pulling up into a smile at the sight. "Well! Aren't you two a sight for sore eyes!" A voice chirped seconds before she was tackled into a hug, a grunt leaving her at the added weight. Her nose was filled with floral perfume before she was let go, and Delta became the subject of her attention. Julie's hair was violet and tied high in a bun, last time it had been pink if she remembered correctly. "I wasn't expecting the cameras." Ellie muttered dryly, Russian accent peeking through and coloring her words a bit more weary. Julie waved a hand while her free hand pet through Delta's thick coat, loose hair lifting into the air. "Some big shot businessman came by to drop off a donation or something. Right, Mrs. Roberson?" The name had Ellie glancing up to meet the managers gaze, Delta wiggled happily on the floor with her paws batting at the air. Offering her a wave a grin, she was offered a smile in return and a nod. "Hmmm, interesting." Ellie replied disinterestedly, not one to really mingle with those if money unless it was family or close friends. Julie jumped up and led them down the hall and to the empty grooming room, chattering happily as she gathered what she'd need. "I forgot to ask, have you seen any of Delta's siblings?" She's seated on a couch Julie has set up so new adopters can watch how to properly groom their pet, a throw pillow held in her lap. Though they have bi-weekly playmates when their schedules line up, she doesn't keep track of the others with how busy she is. "I have! The other day Magness stopped by and my goodness has he grown! And then I saw Jax and Iris at once and they were so big they nearly drowned me with affection. Now here comes Delta while Alphonse and Luca are scheduled in the next two days." A tab of her fingers agaisnt the metallic tub has Delta obediently jumping in, Julie pets her head before sliding the door closed. "We'll be meeting them all next week, let them all tire each other out." Her accent curls around the words, a habit she's never been able to break when she's with people she knows. She's trained herself out of her accent not because she hates it, but it pops up easily when she's in a familiar atmosphere.