I've typed a letter before backspacing about 100 times. I'm so nervous! Hi, you can call me Techno (weird?) or Katie (normal?). Feeling very nervous as the truth is I've been through a lot in the past five years. I'm currently disabled, but that's getting too personal maybe. More to the point of this intro...I haven't written anything (decent) in MORE than five years and I'm very out of practice. I tried a good sized roleplay. Looking back on it I'm so embarassed at my levels of "cringe" or really just going overboard. Hey I'm going to try and do better! I'm going to practice here with roleplays in the hope I can escalate to a written book one day. Unfortunately I am not familiar with many fandoms. Original stories with fantastic elements (rarely, but sometimes enjoy realistic) and original characters with angst excite me though. Other than that I love my cat! And like being alone with my computer. Hope to dive in soon! Thank you for reading.