[center][@Zool][@Loksfjoer][@Saiyan][@Teyao][@Zapdos][@Jay009][/center] [center][i][u][h2]Jon Gringot, The Listener[/h2][/u][/i][/center] [center][img]https://i.imgur.com/l6LtscE.jpeg[/img][/center] The quick reactions of James to protect himself from the Blinding Ray made Jon Gringot shake his fist angrily, growling in frustration. He moved tentatively a few steps to the side as he thought about his next move. His alarm continued to ring out throughout the temple. The skeletons were going down fast, as were the wraiths. This party was prepared. But the summoned undead were merely a method to slow the intruders down until help arrived. The cult of Drath'tuthan was a large group and those who were not adept in combat had blind loyalty and fervour in place of skills. "Search the cabinets at the back of the room and destroy its phylactery!" "No!" Jon blurted out, unable to contain himself. That blasted mage was too smart for his own good. Refusing to take risks, he chanted a spell, moving his hands and fingers to complete the conjuration, then turned about and cast Magic Barrier onto the pair of joined cabinets at the back of the room. [b]The Magic Barrier covered the cabinets completely and would deny anyone access, aswell as be impenetrable to physical attacks. But consecutive elemental damage, or a strong enough elemental attack would destroy the Magic Barrier. At least Second Chance wouldn't have to search out the phylactery - the highlighting barrier left no mystery as to where it was.[/b] Jon began to cast again, about to summon 16 skeletons this time, but a crossbow bolt came seemingly out of nowhere and hit him dead in the chest. "Argh!" It almost floored him, knocking him backward, but he managed to stay on his feet. He was powerful and quick with his magic, but all he saw was fighting ahead. He still had no idea who had shot him. Being an immortal lich, an effectively ageless zombie who had kept his mental faculties and intelligence, did not stop him from feeling pain and he held the bolt in his pectoral muscle as if to soothe his pain. What he did see though was the oak trees grow in the background. A druid was with them. He watched the massive logs carefully, delaying his spell so he could be ready to- "Aha!" His suspicions confirmed, he saw a great oak come flying towards him and he threw up a firewall with one hand, his other hand casting a powerful Drain Life Ray at the flying oak that drew all essence from the oak, petrifying it in real time. The oak was nothing more than a fossil as it hit the Fire Wall and disintegrated into dust and ash. The Fire Wall disappeared and Jon had marked the Druid of the party. "You!" [center][i][u][h2]Drath'tuthan[/h2][/u][/i][/center] [center][img]https://i.imgur.com/CSSBirA.jpeg[/img][/center] Drath'tuthan had barely moved throughout the beginning of battle, the majority of it's concentration reserved for the powerful attack that was being charged. But it did watch the battle dispassionately, seeing it's wraiths falling to Barracker and Fenna. They must have came prepared to do battle with spectres. But were all of the adventurers so well equipped? When The Listener marked the Druid, angry and clearly wanting something done about the man who wielded trees as weapons, Drath'tuthan was about ready to summon more wraiths and now had his target. [b]Four more Lesser Wraiths materialized into the Mytherian Plane of mortals. And they appeared behind the back line of Second Chance, ready to strike at Adam and James.[/b] [center][@Loksfjoer][/center] Sil the Falcon's beak and talons would be useless against the wraith and Fenna would feel the pain of the ghost blade strike her back, passing through her cloak and armour as if it wasn't there, a single slash cutting flesh, barely missing her spine. The Lesser Wraith raised it's sword high once more for a second attack that Fenna would be unable to dodge. The blade charged with white light and if no one intervened, Fenna would be hit with critical necrotic damage, putting her out of the fight. However, if the attack was blocked with weapon or magic, whoever blocked it would somehow recieve half the damage Fenna avoided. [center][@Zool][@Loksfjoer][@Saiyan][@Teyao][@Zapdos][@Jay009][/center] Reinforcements began to arrive, barging through the main double doors that connected the corridor and ritual chamber. The first wave to arrive were the guards of the puzzle-locked doors in the corridor. 4 of them. 3 were armed with long spears but 1 of them was armed with a sword and spinning it around herself expertly. The Listener heard Drath-tuthan's harsh commands inside his head, then angrily delegated the orders to the 4 cultists. "You two! Join the attack!" he shouted, then pointed at the others. "You two! Protect Lord Drath-tuthan! Do not let any of them reach him!" Jon suddenly held his head in pain as Drath'tuthan roared. James had used a Lesser Counterspell that had interrupted Drath-tuthan's charging magic. It would only delay the inevitable, but James had bought Second Chance more time. MacKensie and Adam had done enough to keep Jon from summoning more skeletons, but now he was moving his focus to kill the Druid and the Cleric. With the cabinets protected by the barrier, and cultists beginning to show up, it would only be a matter of time before Second Chance was overwhelmed by sheer numbers. But the magic users were the real threat. Particularly the Cleric. [center][@Teyao][/center] Jon casted a Dark Beam and fired it directly at James. Dark Domain opposed Light, so a direct hit would do double damage and put the already-injured James out of the fight. With the Cleric hopefully distracted by the new Lesser Wraiths, he might catch James off guard.