[center][color=#cc6666][h2]Arthur Howell[/h2][/color][/center] [hr][@Octo] [hr] ... As I walk back to the bedroom, wrapping my hands back up to hide the marks along the one, I find myself struck by the very displeased face of the girl sat at the edge of my bed. I really can't imagine what problem she might have with the nemaki—it's nice cotton, well made, not some cheap polyester or anything like that—but evidently it's much less to her liking than the clothes she'd decided to keep wearing underneath it. I sigh. I'd hoped she might decide to leave, however she got [i]in,[/i] but it seems she's intent to continue with this game until I can get her to a mental institution. I just have to figure out how to do that while attracting the least attention to myself; no doubt, one foreigner having such troubles with another might negatively impact my ability to ever come [i]back[/i] if they take my name down and all. [color=#cc6666]"Look, if you hate it that much, I should have some spare stuff that will mostly fit you,"[/color] I grumble, gesturing offhandedly at the closet. [color=#cc6666]"We're not walking around with you dressed like you walked out of a Holy Roman Empire class reunion."[/color] Then I hear knocking at the front entrance. I sigh again. [color=#cc6666]"Stay here. I'm going to grab the food and put off explaining this as long as possible."[/color] Within another few minutes we're back in the main room seated at the low table, with a few dishes in front of us. The old man noticed the girl's fine shoes almost instantly, but I think he took me at my word when I said she was a relative I'd forgotten to list as another guest. Now we're splitting the food he brought between us, and as much as I'm thinking about what to do with her, I'm also thinking about getting something else to eat back in town. Either way, there are a few other ground rules that need addressed. [color=#cc6666]"Alright. So, before we get too deep in things, what's your real name? And I'd appreciate it if you just call me Arthur when we're around people. I don't want to have to try and explain away the whole [i]master[/i] thing."[/color] I don't really want to try and explain away [i]any[/i] of it, but as long as she's with me that's probably what I'm going to be doing.