Numako Yamamizu Branch-092 - Offices [@Raineh Daze][@VitaVitaAR][@Eisenhorn][@Izurich][@OwO] [hr] Whatever the black ooze that the creatures collapsed into...well, in her professional opinion, was not good in the slightest. She had experience with spooky black liquid, after all. As the others continued their assault, Numako remained mostly near the rear. They certainly were handling the fighting relatively well and easy enough...she thought, briefly perhaps that she could take it easy. Stay near the back and not get involved and simply let them do all the fighting. It was relatively safe back here and she didn't want to get in the thick of it. "I'll support her best I can." She'd shout back to Yuma. Was It actually a Her? Probably not, but it was far easier to say that then A-188. As her tired eyes fell upon Teratoma and the naginata wielding specter that seemed fairly adept at not getting crushed. While Agent Mae, Yuma, and Arisa were busy dealing with the chaff then... "Haa...I could really go for something spicy right now..." Moving without any hint of swiftness through the battlefield, Numako made to evade a few of the Ashigaru, while a thick barrier of black water was put between herself and the Arquebus wielding specters. Bullets sank into the black water, stopped in their tracks. As she got close enough, between when the Ashigaru were reloading, the barrier of water dissipated, as the structure sank and then...a wide arc of the black liquid shot overhead, raining down on both the Ashagaru immediately in front of her. Notably however - it was aimed to land right on top of the Naginata wielding warrior that Teratoma was busy trying to chew on. It wouldn't be a particularly powerful attack, but with any luck the cursed water should weaken the specter enough for Teratoma to finish off. She'd need to get a bit closer in order to try and bind the spirit.