[center] [img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/230710/8fd3ba642e008a8302700ef896bc5e90.png[/img] [hr][hr] [img]https://media1.tenor.com/m/x5Q0SVHINQsAAAAd/new-york-city-nyc.gif[/img] [@Kirah][@Kuro][@Theyra][@Trainerblue192][@ArticBeaver][@PatientBean] [h1]Local Time: 7:0AM[/h1][/center] [hr][hr] [@Kirah] Millie followed behind Mandy over towards the office, she remembered the mask mandates pretty well it was so hard to breath through them sometimes. She knew that some people could have some kind of medical exception from it way back then when it was all happening. Luckily for her she didn't go out much at all during that time really either, as Mandy's father tried to bring up the CDC's website it appeared that the site was down or something which was weird to Millie. She turned to Mandy and her father and started to sign to the two of them. "I should actually get going Howard is wanting to get some breakfast this morning. Just text me if you need anything or have anymore information." She said as she went over and gave Mandy a gentle hug. "Enjoy the cookies." She signed giving the girl a friendly smile. [@Theyra] "I'm doing pretty good thanks for asking, just the usual tending to a few broken or leaky bathroom faucets here and there throughout the building." Robert said as he listened to Isaac giving a description of some homeless guy getting sick apparently, he really didn't want to end up getting sick either or passing the bug around to any of the other residents here within the building. "Just be careful you don't want to get sick." Robert said to Isaac as he reached for a bag of chips he had nearby and started to eat a handful. "Is there anything you need for your room or any problems with it?" Robert asked him. [@PatientBean] The rest of the room started to go pretty silent as Verity went on a tangent towards them, some of them looked away while others sat and ate quietly. Once Verity was done speaking the most calm member of the team finally spoke up as he looked at Verity. "We'll get it done, is there anything else you need to inform us about?" He asked her, there was a knock on the door a secretary was seen through the window to the conference room. He was a younger guy looking like he was a college freshmen or something along those lines. "Hey uhm sorry to interrupt the meeting. Some of the other interns are asking to go home early, something to do with some their family members are getting sick or something, and were wondering if they could go home early?" He asked Verity. [@Trainerblue192] The police officer was the last to get into his police cruiser and started to pull out and drove on ahead of Hermes, once he was free to go. It didn't take to long for him to get to his high school, there were still a few busses that were there dropping off the last of their students. Some of them were outside still mingling amongst themselves, there was five minutes left before the start of first period to start. A friend of Hermes by the name of Hannah approached him, she lightly knocked on his helmet and quickly noticed the written warning barely hanging out of his pocket. "You are almost late man what did you do?" She asked as she quickly snatched it out of his pocket and started to read it over. "Oooh man you are so fuckin busted if your mom heard you almost got a ticket. Or your cousin Mandy right? She'd probably kill you to." She said teasingly as she dangled it over his head. [hr][hr] [center][h1][color=6A5ACD]Kaitlyn Carver[/color][/h1] [img]https://i.pinimg.com/originals/64/28/5f/64285f0a129f2f94cff7a323ab0ed2eb.gif[/img] [i]Location: NYC, Subway Skills: N/A [/i][/center] [hr][hr] Kaitlyn still kept a rather firm grip on the kid's arm as a loud groan could be heard, she turned to look up at Kali and gave her a slight smile. [color=6A5ACD]"I took some Judo lessens, still do actually in my spare time."[/color] She answered as the pregnant woman gave the kid a rather hard kick as she looked down at him and glared at the kid. "Doesn't matter to me, as long as I have my purse back." The woman said as she dug into it, and started to search through it before taking out two fifty dollar bills out and handed one to Kali and Kaitlyn. "Thank you so much." The woman said as Kaitlyn started to think for a moment maybe the kid was down on his luck and was just really desperate for some kind of money. [color=6A5ACD]"We could probably just let him go, the purse is where it belongs anyway."[/color] Kaitlyn said she believed in giving people second chances, and the kid was pretty young as well to, and having a criminal record is really bad especially for someone who was really young as well to. [color=6A5ACD]"What do you think we should do?"[/color] Kaitlyn asked Kali as she accepted the fifty dollar bill that the woman had handed her. [hr][hr] [center][h1][color=8FBC8F]Flynn Price[/color][/h1] [img]https://i.pinimg.com/originals/1b/27/e2/1b27e22fd5d8ed7894991871b73e337b.gif[/img] [i]Location: NYC Cafe. Skills: N/A [/i][/center] [hr][hr] Flynn looked at his friend for a moment. [color=8FBC8F]"I'm gonna see whats going on, i'll be right back."[/color] He said as he started to head over towards the cafe and opened the door just in time to see Becker finishing giving her statement to her fellow paramedic. "Thank you for the information we'll get him to the hospital." The said as the other paramedic pulled out his first aide kit and quickly wrapped a compress bandage over the wound to try and stop the bleeding. Then they got him up onto a stretcher and started to head on out, Flynn then approached Becker and gestured to the guy that the other paramedic team who they were wheeling out. [color=8FBC8F]"What happened to that guy?"[/color] Flynn asked her, as he heard a few more sirens were able to be heard as a police cruiser approached, one of the officers approached the victim while the other came inside and started to ask some of the other patrons who chose to stay behind to provide some statements. Flynn looked at the officer for a moment and started to tense up slightly he really didn't like cops at all really.