Adam was kind of impressed by the level of skill the enemy leader used to block his tree. Even if he was an opponent, this display showed that he was not to be taken lightly. The feeling did not last long though, being replaced with annoyance at the new wraiths that the listener summoned to attack him and James. The Druid knew that his options were limited, both by the fact that he was indoors and that most of his attacks would not work on the new creatures. However, this did not discourage him; he knew that he was part of a strong group and Second Chance could defeat these and the other enemies somehow. That did not mean that Adam intended to do nothing though. He had formed an idea in his head, thinking [i]...I just need to wait for the right moment to do it. In the meantime, I can defend my teammate.[/i] The Druid grabbed two more acorns, turning them into trees. He wasn't going to leave things to chance, especially not when the Cleric was injured and vulnerable to- [i][b]That![/b][/i] The dark energy beam headed towards the team leader certainly was certainly something that needed to be dealt with. So with his powers, Adam tossed one of the oak trees at the beam, hopefully blocking it from inflicting damage to James. And while the listener was hopefully distracted by the tree-and-magic fireworks show, the red-eyed man fired a natural energy beam at the barrier blocking the cabinets. Hopefully it would destroy them, allowing Second Chance to execute the Cleric's shouted plan. The other tree was reserved for blocking whatever attacks the nearby wraiths would create, or at least delaying them for a few seconds so someone else could kill them. Hopefully they wouldn't be anything serious, but Adam wanted to be prepared for whatever the enemy would do, along with giving the Mexican the opportunity to plan what they should do next. “Are you okay, James? What do you need?” If the Cleric was injured, the fisherman would do his best to help him be safe. If not, the focus would be more strategic so they could defeat their opponents. Either way, Adam would do his best to help his team succeed.