[h2]Outside Talderia[/h2] As they arrived back at the broad clearing that had briefly been turned into a cloud-piercing plateau, what appeared to be an identical copy of Edwin's blade was leaning against a tree, making it clear that the Witch was still observing what was going on in here. Nonetheless, the knight moved with definitely unnecessary sword to swap the two, hefting the provided sword with a grin. "Well, I guess we get to play with the [i]real[/i] thing, not an emulation..." he said, golden fire flickering into life around the blade as it was raised up. When the blade came slashing down... well, it was probably a good thing that he was showing it off [i]first[/i], the wave of golden light racing across the clearing leaving a clearly grassless furrow. And one or two less trees on the far side. As for Parvan's demonstration... that was considerably more understated, although it didn't seem much less destructive on the receiving end: one second the spear was gleaming with a pale blue light, the next he was a blur--and another tree was looking rather shattered. "So, once you can avoid these with any consistency, there should be no problems with dragonfire. Still up for it?" [@Psyker Landshark] [hr] [h2]Cazt Estate[/h2] Answering the door was... well, it wasn't Erich Cazt. No, the man had a quiet, nebbish air to him, not to mention being far too [i]small[/i] to be the legendary warrior. Nor, if the family's reputation and extant members were anything to go by, was he likely a Cazt of any stripe. Almost certainly a servant, rather than a noble with an unusual taste for simple dress. "If you're looking for His Grace, he can be found in the gardens," the man said, confirming what his job was. There was a pause. "Things are so [i]regrettably[/i] rearranged here, they should really be closer..." The directions given weren't terribly complicated, although it was [i]another[/i] walk to some expansive gardens that should properly have been [i]surrounding[/i] the Cazt estate, which may have done a lot to explain why the building looked out of place. Unlike the garden in its modern incarnation, or indeed the efforts expended within Candaeln as Fionn knew it, [i]this[/i] was far more like wandering into the countryside--although, with enough deliberate design aesthetics, and a proliferation of aesthetically pleasing plants, to show that it was still maintained by human hands. Identifying Erich Cazt in such a place was easy; although the man was wearing clothes more appropriate for a knight of modest means, there was no avoiding the [i]size[/i], even with his age. Chin-length silver hair brushed back over his head and a neat, pointed full beard added to the impression of age... but honestly, the hair colour might have been original as it was. And once he was closer, the gold eyes were familiar. It seemed that at least some of the family had been inheriting them to the modern day. As for his attention, that was on a flowering bush of some sort. [@The Otter]