[center][url=https://fontmeme.com/fallout-new-vegas-font/][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/230112/f7d774d3ec20946c1b1c06b083a1b2cd.png[/img][/url][/center] Every clash of swords sent a spike of pain through his shoulder, but at this point it was just fuel to the fire of urgency that Zell was fighting with. His ears felt assaulted by the loud alarm blaring through the temple. His vision was filled with dangerously sharp steel. But his mind remained fairly focused, his thoughts keen and precisely positioned on their mission objective. [center][b][i]~~~~~"Your job will be to fight your way in, find the big bad bossy spirit - no doubt, in the main ritual chamber - and send it to hell. That should return everything to normal. Whether it does or doesn't; not your problem. The contract is for the 'head of the snake.' Kill the Greater Wraith that's taken control of the Temple of Hades."[/i]~~~~~[/b][/center] He could hear Lucy Bottrill's voice loud and clear - see her confident and cocky expression. He smirked as he recalled it, turning a parry into a stiff shoulder-barge to shove the skelly he was fighting backwards far enough to give him time to avoid the wraith pestering him. Barracker's claymore suddenly appeared above the wraith, promptly coming down and cleaving the ghost asunder. "Cheers bruv," he nodded to the vampire, giving him a pat on the arm, before slipping past him to counter the skeleton sneaking up from behind the man. Barracker swiftly took over Zell's previous opponent, along with another skelly that had zoned in on their position, and once more they were in seperate action - Seperate, but effectively forming a solid frontline shield with the help of Fenna and MacKensie. The teamwork of Second Chance had quickly become elite, since they became [i]The Heroes from the Sky[/i], and now Barracker was fitting in perfectly. "Guys! Seek the phylactery, it will be a bitch killing him without destroy-!" Zell glanced over his shoulder to see James had paused his orders out of necessity, then once the Cleric had a chance to finish what he was saying, Zell could only respond with. "What the hell is a phylactery!?" Fortunately Barracker seemed to know it was as he responded to James. [Color=Green]“Zell, hold the line”.[/color] "I gotcha pal," Zell assured, turning his attention to some remaining skeletons. A giant oak suddenly flew into the picture and crushed his prospective opponents though, causing him to glance over his shoulder at Adam. The Druid was once again throwing trees about the place. It would've been welcome had Adam picked one of the thousand things to do other than attack the skeletons - something that the frontline were handling perfectly fine. "Adam, the doors!" the Englishman shouted, nodding pointedly at the main entrance to the ritual chamber. He seemed to remember Adam volunteering to set up a barricade, which was a clever plan, (and would definitely be worthwhile, seeing as an alarm was alerting potential reinforcements,) but for some reason he'd chosen not to go through with it. With Barracker forced to delay going after the phylactery to provide emergency assistance on Fenna's side of the frontline, Zell found himself looking to fill in for the paladin, but when he saw the cabinets in question, right on the other side of the room and protected by some kind of energy shield, Zell was annoyed to find himself lacking. This temple had not been kind to those who did not possess magical attacks, and the feeling of inadequacy was something Zell was not familiar nor happy with. "F-fuck's sake." And then his mood worsened when more enemies did indeed answer the alarm and come through the main doors to join the fray. "Oh, bloody hell! Well... at least the enemies were flesh and bone, which meant Zell could actually be of use. And besides: "If you want something done right..." Zell started running across the battlefield towards the main doors, forced to duck under the Dark Beam that almost took his head off, and then forced to shield the back of his head from exploding debris from the tree that had been used to block said Dark Beam. But he continued to run, slowing slightly as came into contact with one of the spearmen. He slipped the opponent's thrust and threw a punch with his free hand, smacking the man in the face and then running right past him. The next spearman in the gauntlet met him on his sword-side and exchanged some parries as they circled eachother a little. Spearmen were notoriously bad against swordsmen though, and once Zell found a way to get inside his opponents guard, he delivered an upwards strike that cut deep enough to kill, dropping the spearman rather quickly. The other two reinforcements had made their way to protect the Greater Wraith, giving Zell an open line to the doors, which he took expediantly. A quick look around and he sighted a nearby pew, ran to it, sheathed his sword and lifted one side of the long bench to begin dragging it to the doorway. "Ugh, fuck," the swordsman moaned loudly as he moved the heavy furniture. It was doing a number on his wounded shoulder. His swear words shifted gears when he saw the first spearman that he'd punched in the face, charging towards him. "Shit, shit, shit!" Zell used the thick wood of the pew to block the cultist's attack, the spear getting stuck in the wood, giving Zell a chance to drop the pew and jump over it, kicking the cultist away as he did. Now the cultist was without his spear and Zell made short work of him, before getting back to work - pulling the pew in front of the double-door entrance to form a barricade. He pulled the spear free and slotted it through the handles of the doors to provide extra sturdiness, then lifted the pew and lodged it behind the statue next to the entrance, finishing the barricade. Zell sighed and wiped the sweat from his brow, a quick check of his handiwork before drawing his sword and running back to battle. Not realising that Adam had destroyed the magic barrier protecting the cabinet and the phylactery, Zell did not make a break for the cabinet as he should have. Instead the engaged the cultists who were defending the Greater Wraith, hoping to open a path for one of the magic users to attack the Greater Wraith. Zell ran and lept into a superman-punch style stabbing attack on the cultist swordsman, continuing with a fake-high-swing-low sweep, then pressed the woman into sustained combat that would draw her attention away from her Lord of Darkness.