[color=steelblue]Odran Stormweaver[/color] [url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WUhMLw6vq8g]Marching Music[/url] [hr] When it came to Iron Dwarf companies, not even their scouts were particularly subtle. While they were not going out of their way to be noisy, when dwarves in plated armor came marching, it was hard to be quiet about it. Unlike their regular army units however, at least the Ironborn's Ranger crews marched [i]relatively[/i] light. In place of a two-score platoon fitted a full baggage train of wagons, cargo and support crew, Odran and his crew numbered a bit over a dozen warriors and shield dwarves, and a quartet of laden mules. Still, it was hard to mask the subtle shake of the ground as some 18 dwarves marched through the village. The main component of unit itself was made up of 10 dwarven rangers and a pair of war-goat riders of varying ages, though all experienced in their own right, heads on a constant swivel as they scanned their surroundings. The remaining 6 dwarves made up the unit's small complement of shield dwarves, attendants to the older, more experienced rangers in the column. The column slowed down as they entered the village proper, hands on blade, rifle and shield as one of the shield dwarves, a young woman, approached her adoptive father at the front. [color=coral]"Flint and fell... Da', what do you think's happened here?"[/color] Alfira asked, her normally bright alto voice low and subdued, her face more than a little pale given the sight. The orange light of her runelantern on the back of her pack pulled long shadows on her father's face as he glanced back at her. [color=steelblue]"Well, that's what we're here to find out."[/color] Odran murmured in reply as he knelt down, checking one of the corpses and the accompanying beast prints. The poor man had been torn apart by the beast, whether by teeth or claw, it was hard to tell due to the severity, but whatever it was, the beast was massive. Removing a gauntlet, Odran ran his fingers against the edge of one of the footprints, feeling for textures, as his eyes and hands looked for something that might clue him in to what it was they might be marching into- be it stray furs or claw marks. Whatever it was, Odran hadn't seen anything like it, but it was smart- at least smart enough to keep the village people alive after slaughtering its defenders. Either men had control of the beasts and had taken villagers prisoner, or the beasts themselves were capable of taking folk prisoner. [color=steelblue]"Callan!"[/color] Odran barked as he stood, there was an attendant grunt as one of the goat-riders rode up to him. [color=steelblue]"Return to the company and tell em what's happened 'ere. Request for reinforcements."[/color] The dwarf named Callan gave Odran a sharp nod before kicking his spurs into his goat, sending the two careening back the way they came. [color=steelblue]"Mulloch! Oryl!"[/color] Odran barked at two of the veteran rangers. There was the rapid shuffle and crunching of steel and sod as the responding dwarves marched up to him. [color=steelblue]"Take the mules and the lads and hold here. Hopefully flare rounds will make it through the treeline if we need ya."[/color] [color=khaki]"But Captain!"[/color] One of the shield dwarves protested, [color=khaki]"How are we s'posed to learn if we're stuck here on camp duty?"[/color] To Odran's chagrin, Alfira nodded in agreement, speaking up as well. [color=coral]"I'm not stayin' back either Da, I'm coming with you."[/color] [color=steelblue]"This un's no learning matter."[/color] Odran grunted, [color=steelblue]"We've stumbled onto something big here."[/color] [color=coral]"All the more reason for me to come with you."[/color] Alfira argued, several of the other shield dwarves nodding in agreement, [color=coral]"You'll need every axe you can, right?"[/color] Odran eyed his daughter down for a moment, his vision flitting over to the other shield dwarves for a moment before he sighed. [color=steelblue]"Fine. Arek, the goat's no good in the woods. Stay here. Alfira, Tonben, form up."[/color] The two mentioned shield dwarves' faces lit up as they began to fall into formation with the rest of the rangers. A few of the remaining shield dwarves began to protest before Odran cut them off. [color=steelblue]"I'm sorry- I think you lot are under the impression that this was a discussion."[/color] Odran barked, [color=steelblue]"I didn't say, 'Hey laddies, would you all like to stay in the village or come with me?', I said 'Mulloch, Oryl, take the mules and the lads, and [i]Hold. Here.[/i]' Understood?"[/color] With the riders gone, and two of their number staying back with the remaining shield dwarves to set up a small base camp, Odran's unit now numbered 8 Rangers and 2 Shield dwarves as they prepared to enter the woods- seeking whatever it was that had torn through the village. With any luck, they'd be able to find the remaining villagers and bring them home. If not that, then at least put an end to whatever was tearing this countryside apart. [color=steelblue]"Stick close to me loddy, don't rush in looking for a fight."[/color] Odran murmured to Alfira, cradling the starmetal rifle in his hands as the dwarves glanced at the woods ahead of them, necks craning as the short dwarves looked up at the towering treetops above them. There was a silent breath before Odran led the march into the forest, the stomping of steel muffled in the thick underbrush. Now about half their original number and without the mules, they could at least try to travel more quietly- especially given the unknown they were heading into. The darkness of the night and trees soon enveloped the dwarves, their runelanterns like willow-wisps in the dark woods. [color=coral]"Stop worrying Da, I'm not a child anymore."[/color] Alfira replied to him quietly, a plated elbow nudging his side reassuringly. [color=steelblue]"That's why I'm worried."[/color]