[center][h2] [color=indianred]Becker[/color][/h2][img]https://c.tenor.com/7XRiwlokC4kAAAAC/tenor.gif[/img] [i]Location:Coffee Shop Skills: N/A[/i][/center][hr][hr] Becker regarded the new comer with a neutral expression as he approached, his sudden appearance adding a layer of complexity to the already tense situation. As the paramedics wrapped up their assessment and prepared to transport the injured man, Becker watched their departure with a sense of relief. The stranger's inquiry about the victim drew her attention back to him, and she regarded him cautiously, taking a moment to assess his motives. [color=indianred]"We're not entirely sure," [/color]Becker replied, her tone guarded yet cooperative. [color=indianred]"Seems he got into some sort of altercation, ended up with a nasty bite. Could be anything, really." [/color]She gestured towards the departing stretcher, her gaze briefly flickering towards the arriving police officers. As the officers began their inquiries, Becker noted the man's reaction with a subtle raise of her eyebrow. She refrained from commenting on his unease, opting instead for a diplomatic response. [color=indianred]"Looks like the police are here to gather statements. Just routine procedure,"[/color] she explained, offering a polite yet cautious smile. [color=indianred]"I suppose by any chance, you happen to catch anything that could explain what happened?"[/color] gesturing towards the departing stretcher with a subtle tilt of her head. [color=indianred]"A bite like that doesn't just happen every day."[/color]