[quote=@HylianRose] [@Izurich] Notes: - LOVE the art you chose. - that full title is hilariously a mouth full and I love it. - Strengths/Weaknesses - I think these are fine as is as long as her Stubbornness gets her into trouble. I.E. She's too stubborn to admit that that scary dark forest is too much for her so she goes in anyway and then screams for help when it's too much. - Skills - Being a first year 15 year old, I imagine the skills would be a bit more heavier on the novice side of things. However, with her upbringing much of the skills that she has make sense for her to have. So I think they're fine. Just be mindful that if you start too high, there's not much room for growth. I'd be interested to know what direction you see her Character growth going. - Power - I LOVE the power, and I like the built in weakness it has. My only concern plot wise is with her enchantment skill, actually. I think I'm going to allow it, but my reasoning is because I think that if she uses it on someone, she will lose reputation with them and will find it hard to make and keep friends if they find out she's been enchanting them. She'll also likely deal with some self-doubt in wondering if people liking her is her magic or herself. So as long as you discuss with any writer she might use the power on before doing so, I'm fine with it. For example, Karmilla wants Character A to do her a favor, she needs some intel from Character B. But she knows Character A would never get it for her without a little persuasion. You'd need to discuss with at least the writer of Character A how their character would react to being enchanted and if they even could be. Maybe they have a very strong will. Adolescence - Idk why this made me laugh so much, but it did. Let me know if you have any questions regarding my feedback, if you're in agreeance, then consider her accepted. [/quote] Hahaha, thanks! And you're welcome, I'm pleased to be able to provide you with fun even through just a CS, after all, that's why we're all here for, to have fun. 😁 As for your review, got it. - Yep, that's one easy example on the various problems that her hardheadedness will get her. She's sometimes just too dang prideful to comprehend the notion of biting off more than she could chew. Clues in the title of her Theme, I guess. - That's fair, I'm of the same opinion as you when I was balancing the level of her skills. I think Journeyman - skilled but not yet an expert - is just right for her two most prominent talents. Right now, her "default" path would be her eventually becoming a great empress able to stand shoulder to shoulder with the likes of Augustus Caesar and Frederick the Great, however, that's the fun of Roleplaying, none of us know how she'll actually end up. - Damn, are we mindlinked or what? Coz' you read my mind again with the caveats of her enchantment powers. Yep, Evocation school may burn your flesh and break your bones, but Enchantment violates a person's mind and free will, being manipulated is often seen as crueler than a firebolt to the face. ICly, she has to be careful not to burn too many bridges as no one likes a manipulative bitch. OOCly, of course, absolutely, if Karmilla is dealing with a PC, I'll hash out the results with the writer first before putting it into writing, if it's an NPC, then I'll let you determine the results. And I have no questions! Additionally, since I'm pretty much in agreement with your review, then I'll go ahead and move her to the Character tab. After that, I can start working on my Knight's CS. [quote=@The Savant] After work tonight, I believe I'll finish my character sheet. I just had an idea about what specialty and powers/abilities Alpheus will have. Also, side note, if anyone wants to discuss pre-rp/current time relationship. I'm up for it. Just remember, if Alpheus didn't know your character before like 14, he probably has very little idea of what your character looks like. [/quote] If Alfi ever visits the Imperial Palace at Berlin before he's 14, perhaps with his family as formal guests? Then I can see him and Millie being acquaintances, fellow peers of high society or something like that, haha. Whaddya think?