The lantern intensified, a luminous radiance akin to a miniature star blazing in their midst. The darkness receded, though not entirely - pitch-black spectral remnants remained, undaunted by the light, forever doomed to repeat their last moments over and over again. Engelbert felt their influence trying to worm into his mind, only for it to find no purchase to latch to as it splashed powerlessly away. A pair of pale-blue orbs lit within his helmet, the night taking a different tone as his perception expand. The miasma was... everywhere. It hung around them, dark mist that obscured and pressed down on the sphere of his sixth sense, rendering it considerably smaller than usual. The phantoms were the greatest concentration of all, their hazy shapes turning into disturbingly clear pitch-black creatures that, as if aware of his sudden perception, turned to stare back. Engelbert cuts off the sixth sense then and there, the knight not curious enough to find out what will happen if he kept it up. At least they seemed to lose their interest once his senses receded back to mortal limit. An important thing that he noticed, however, was how black tendrils of miasma extended from the creatures and insidiously slithered into some of the party members. [b][color=#4269E2]"Hmm. Gentlemen? I'm afraid the warning was a bit too late."[/color][/b] He said, voice lower than usual. Only the first real actions and they've met a significant hurdle already. Now this was a pickle... just because he's aware of what's going on didn't mean Engelbert was in any position to do something about it. [b][color=#4269E2]"Some of us seems to have lost all senses. What do we do? Shake them awake? Carry them away?"[/color][/b]