"Gotcha!" Finrod heard Lyra call out, the joy in her voice echoing through the morning air. "A bit jumpy this morning, are we?" Lyra added with a playful grin. Finrod, trying to maintain a tough façade, let out a relieved chuckle. His tension eased as he realized the source of the sound. "I don't know what you're talking about, Lyra!" Finrod replied, a mischievous smile playing on his lips, giving away his bluff. As he watched Lyra proudly display the breakfast she had collected for them, he couldn't help but feel a warmth in his heart. "I can't wait to eat! I am starving!" Finrod exclaimed. Observing Lyra as she sat down with a radiant smile, Finrod couldn't help but appreciate the genuine joy she brought to the moment. [i]She does have a pretty smile... cute and funny too[/i] he thought to himself. Realizing he had been gazing a bit too long, he quickly averted his eyes, hoping Lyra hadn't noticed. "Rabbit is one of my favorite meals!" he exclaimed, attempting to change the subject. "Where did you learn to hunt, Lyra?"