[@The Savant][@Izurich] I would go ahead and start drumming ideas for character ideas/connections that might be related to your characters. This could help other writers design characters around those ideas or say "hey, my character could probably do that with yours!" As an example; [b]Connections Wanted[/b] - Old Childhood friend who knew Character A back when they were in the institute, someone who knows about his past but likely doesn't know that they're actively trying to hide it. - A rival from their home town that used to bully them when they were younger. - A Cousin/Sibling - Someone that Character A is currently betrothed to via political marriage. If that's a silly idea and you don't think it would be helpful, please feel free to ignore. That's optional but I think would help others know what you want for your character and the roles that they can potentially fill for them.