[quote=@HylianRose] [@The Savant][@Izurich] I would go ahead and start drumming ideas for character ideas/connections that might be related to your characters. This could help other writers design characters around those ideas or say "hey, my character could probably do that with yours!" As an example; [b]Connections Wanted[/b] - Old Childhood friend who knew Character A back when they were in the institute, someone who knows about his past but likely doesn't know that they're actively trying to hide it. - A rival from their home town that used to bully them when they were younger. - A Cousin/Sibling - Someone that Character A is currently betrothed to via political marriage. If that's a silly idea and you don't think it would be helpful, please feel free to ignore. That's optional but I think would help others know what you want for your character and the roles that they can potentially fill for them. [/quote] Oh, that sounds neat, yeah. Savant and I are already doing it, but I'll continue to do that as we get more and more CS. [quote=@The Savant] What do you think Izurich? If they knew each other when they were children (or were forced to be around each other during parent visiting each other) and then he just kinda disappeared and wasn't talked about much. Would Millie know that he went blind? Knowing Pran as his dad, he probably only told everyone that "Alpheus is extremely sick," and just left it at that because Alpheus is definitely the curse/embarrassment of the Hoel family. [/quote] Hmmmmm... this just gives me an idea [i]and[/i] a chance to practice that 'OOC consent' thing. I think Millie can find out the truth if you consent Pran being 'voodoo-eyed' by the princess, hahaha. Maybe he doesn't even remember about it, but Millie sure did make him slip out his secrets about Alpheus. If not, then she'll likely be suspicious, but never found out the real truth, at least until they meet later at the academy. [quote=@The Savant] You could always have Millie see the kingdom falling and everything like that which makes her feel obligated that she has to slip into another royal family to take control of that country. I feel like you could do many things with Millie even if the above was to happen to her country and her family. It would be a power-struggle story for Millie tho. [/quote] Mmm, that's a fair alternative, but I'd rather make a new character designed from the ground up with that plot in mind rather than trying to fit a square peg into a round hole. [quote=@HylianRose] Oh, no, not at all. I'm not married to the idea. I can absolutely shift to something else. It's just flavor and not like.. a super important or well thought out plan? Lol. So, no need to cancel her at all! I'm just dumb and didn't realize HRE was Germany. If that tells you anything about how historically naïve I am. I'll make that change and it won't affect much at all! [/quote] Oh, that clarifies things, alright then. Yeah, HRE was Germany (and Austria, and Northern Italy, and-... okay, it was a big empire), but just like the Soviet Union's 'main culture' was Russian, so too HRE's main culture was Germanic. [quote=@HylianRose] Highly recommend checking out the Zeroth post on the IC tab to make sure I'm not royally (pun not intended, but I did chuckle) screwing up your character's background in some way. That stuff is still subject to change and just my attempts at giving the world some background noise. [/quote] Okay! Doing that now, boss.