[quote=@Silverstein] [@HylianRose] Hi, is there room for one more? I like to join this school of unhinged nobles who [s]exploit[/s] uses their knights to duel other knights for their entertainment to settle their difference. Seems fun. As for the courtesy of answering the questions asked(if it's still valid) [hider] 1) Probably in their teens up to a young adult since it has a slice-of-life school setting. 2) I prefer a narrative flow of combat, with both parties agreeing to the outcome with/or the GM's jurisdiction if things get dicey. 3) a blend of realism and lightheartedness. 4) It's adequate. you had me at a slice-of-life school setting with a tinge of fantasy and VIOLENCE. 5) My favorite character is Emiya(archer) from Fate, Midorya from MHA, and Dante from Devil My Cry [/hider] Also, i have a few questions: Let's say i submit an OC knight, does it require me to pair with another player or am i allowed to pair it with my own OC noble? Does the school allow animal companions with their students (like a dire wolf/or a hunting dog perhaps?) [/quote] I'll leave that up to you on whether or not you want to RP your own noble, but the idea is to be paired off with another writer. I certainly won't stop you from RPing with yourself though, I suppose. Lol. As for animal companions, I imagine it would function the same way as irl schools. If it's a service animal, probably. If not, you're probably less likely to be allowed. If it's an animal that you use in duels, maybe? Like a familiar or something? But something like a large wolf might be kept in the stables or something, if that makes sense? Also a note; Magical creatures and god DO exist in this world but they are so rare that they are believed to be fake/not real. Which will only make the "finding a unicorn in the woods" even more impactful.