[center][h1][b]Iraleth Kyrios[/b][/h1][/center] He didn't take the bait. Disappointing. That disappointment didn't last long, however, compared to Iraleth's alarm at Professor Alto's sudden change in tone and target. Iraleth wasn't exactly surprised that he knew; something like this would have been long since passed along by the staff, especially after one night. And his words weren't exactly wrong. After all, she'd reached the exact same conclusion herself. But his action still rankled. The paladin scowled, stomping forward. How dare he?! Otis's words barely registered in the back of her mind as she advanced. [b]"What in Astra's name are you [i]doing[/i], professor?"[/b] She ground out through grit teeth, raising her hand-and-half sword with one hand to slam into the man's barriered back while her other reached out to try to drain his Personal Barrier again. [b]"I made the accusation! She is my responsibility to deal with, until I am no longer able to! I will not let you kill the accused until her guilt is conclusively determined, one way or another!"[/b] Iraleth's free hand moved to wrap around Alto's neck in a blood choke, aiming to drag him back through force. All the while, she reached out to Otis through the connection. [i]"In position. Whatever you mean to do, now is the time!"[/i] [@ERode] [@Estylwen]