[@ERode]Finished to the best of my capabilities so tell me if you want anything changed. I'm open to changing the Property to Skill. [hider=Acolyte Cantor Amentha] [center][img]https://i.pinimg.com/564x/33/5f/03/335f03a4b5f2f94f87eef8b1067dca28.jpg[/img] [h2][color=7CFC00][b]Cantor Amentha[/b][/color][/h2] Human | 26 | Male | 5'10" | 63 kg [color=7CFC00]0th Circle[/color] | [color=7CFC00]Preservation [/color]| [url=https://youtu.be/UXAs5MmPdyU?si=fku5DSiI1fwyl7UP]Theme[/url][/center] Cantor Amentha, formerly known as Cant, was an orphan adopted by the Monasteries of His Weeping Saints during his childhood years. Formed during the fall of the Thousands-Faced God, the monastery's original function was to perform rites for those deceased during the Fall. In modern times, however, the Monastery function is more interconnected with the layman, working as priests, embalmers, and 'securities' in exchange for gold. They aren't rich by any means, but the monastery did provide a modicum of normalcy in this chaotic time. This means that for those early years, Cantor's daily activities would be composed of praying, doing the field, and learning the sacred texts. A bit older, and he learned how to hold the sword and embalming bodies. Cantor, as an acolyte, excelled at dressing up the body, masquerading the face under the aura of "at peace." He does not hold the disgust nor the sheepiness against a corpse but provides the tenderness of a tailor and a dresser at work. And his work brought solace to the grieving family, allowing them to cherish their final moments together. He still remembers the day he became ichor-blessed. It was a cold winter last year. Snow reached knee-deep. The monastery would usually try to house the unfortunate and bury those who passed away to avoid outbreaks during spring. This was Cantor's third time. He found a beggar on the street. From the look of it, the man must have succumbed to the frost before starvation overtook him. He must be an alien too, never see him from the locals. Still, Cantor washed his frostbitten body, put him in the white shroud, and buried him in the monastery cemetery. That night, they prayed for the unfortunate that they had buried. And they prayed that their help would be enough for those who need it. For this is the purpose of the Church in this modern time. "Traditions persist, and history is important" his Head Priest once told him. They sing the hymn of God, not to pretend that he is alive, but because he has transcended the mortal definition of death. They prayed for the dead so that their suffering might stop and their existence continued beyond the mortal coil. Like their god, they will live on. For the Head Priest once argued: "No one is truly dead. They only died when we forget them." This is what Cantor Amentha chose to believe in. By the next morning, he was ichor-blessed. The Spark, however, also has its demand. For some reason Cantor was particular drawn toward Oratorio. So, he ask the Head Priest to be transferred there. The Head Priest complied, transferring him to Ordo Benevolence should he be able to make the arduous journey. There, he would be tasked to help them with ceremonies and healing if need be. After a few months on the road, he reached his destination. [/hider] [hider=Path To Ascension] 0th Circle Ichor-Blessed Ichor: 0 Wealth: 0 Followers: 0 Resources: 0 Artifacts: None Property: None. Domain of Preservation [i][color=7CFC00]Paint and Brush for the Mortal Coil[/color][/i] - No matter the cause of death, the body would look at ease when applying paint. Starting Benefit Property: A small stall inside the building of Ordo Benevolence. Used to house the order's members and patients as well as providing service. Located at A7. [/hider]