[color=f6989d][b]Sister Marta Rocha[/b][/color] [b]Mischief Reef/Đá Vành Khăn/Panganiban Reef - 11/01/2022[/b] Marta just sat on the beach towel, seemingly paying close attention to the complex conversations and strategic considerations Jin Li and Qingshe discussed. In truth, she was deep in thought when the latter had arrived, considering how she felt about the political situation. She had her own opinion about miracles And what it meant to hope for the miraculous in a world already steeped in impossible powers. But can one expect a miracle? She didn't think so. A miracle should defy sense and explanation - even that of Arms Masters. Hope for it all you want, but is it really a miracle if it can be expected? What man calls a miracle must be wrought by man. Are not our hands here on earth, by design, to act as we will and wish? That's probably what she'll tell them. ...well, if the conversation goes in that direction, anyway. Marta isn't sure if they realize she doesn't speak Mandarin, but the chance to point that out has passed, and things are becoming slightly... awkward...