[b]Isabelle[/b] For what are probably entirely unrelated reasons, Asil audibly groans over at the refreshment stand. “The…parent company? Teresio space mining industries, like nearly every mining settlement. Even I’m not old enough to remember what space looked like before the corporate consolidation. I mean, I know Teresio leases out equipment deals, shipping, and supplies to all the smaller families, but that wasn’t my job and frankly, as long as the food shipment has the cinnamon rolls with the good frosting, who cares how they got there?” She’s eyeing you again, leaning her glasses dangerously over the perch of her nose. “Name’s Vicky, which you can call me and ask all about my manufacturing kit if you tell me where you’re actually from…Belle.” *** [b]Dolly[/b] “You’re in!” Matty’s excited voice echoes over your earpiece. “Jade will need a few minutes, can you um…make sure that nobody interrupts her work?” Well, nothing’s happening immediately, but it’s not like you’d want the entire console to turn blue or green to indicate Jade controls it, since that would also give it away to everyone else. Not everything can be like the Terenian animes after all. You get everything wrapped up and you’ve replaced the cover as you come out from underneath the desk. Since Jade does need a few minutes and they could notice her before she has total control, maybe you could play the role of key distraction. You’ll at least need to fix that zipper before you go anywhere, your jumpsuit is going to fall off your shoulders at the slightest twitch! [b]Jade[/b] You’re in! This new hacking system is really something. What does hacking feel like to you? Is it like cutting through the primordial jungles of Hybrasil? Like dancing from star to star in the night sky? Like feeling your way through a cave to the underworld? Whatever it might be, your goal is to establish control over your immediate equipment as stealthily as possible, then use that equipment to take over control of the network in time to execute on Mirror’s precise directions. *** [b]Matty[/b] Oh gods, the fight exploded! Mirror could have cut off the Aeteline’s arm, but instead she tickled it! You have some idea that she must have a plan and that if she didn’t do it, it was because it was a bad idea, but you’re not really sure of the details. If you had time to sketch it out and run some tests, you’d be able to figure out that the thruster limitations from that position meant that the arm cut offered no safe exit route, but for now you’re just going on the gut feeling that Mirror’s got a plan and she’s executing on it. Why else would she start burning down the arena? The announcers are wildly excited though. Two top of the line mechas deploying all their equipment in dueling laser light shows as they speed over the landscape surrounded by explosions is exactly what the public wants, and everyone wants to try and predict the advantage with each little display. Okay, okay, you’ve confirmed with Dolly. And Isabelle is…not failing? You’re not really sure what she’s talking about anymore, but the area is still pretty clear from what you can gather, and yelling at her not to screw up while getting questioned will probably just make her more nervous. Which you figure is true because it would make you a lot more nervous and you wouldn’t do that to yourself. You mean, unless it was a scene you were doing and you wanted to get nervous and have the big Terenian push you further and further up to a wall. B-but probably that has nothing to do with Isabelle and she’s fine!