[center][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/240215/d16a63b4806ec9f8fa7bfcd1ec90c1db.png[/img][/center] What is Fate? What is Destiny? That's just what two twin sophomores were about to begin a journey to discover. Their lives once planned out by them will take an unexpected turn to a greater destiny. Future scientists turned superheroes. How does this happen, you wonder? Well, it starts with a simple field trip. One that would change their lives forever. Sit down, relax, and enjoy the story of the Amazing Spider-Twins! [hr] A young girl stared up at the large building in front of her while her classmates exited off the bus and gathered around. She was so focused and fascinated by the building in front of her that she hadn't noticed that her mouth was open or that her best friend was desperately trying to get her attention. [color=99d6ff]"Earth to Caty. Catherine Davis, this Houston, do you copy?"[/color] [color=E137E3]"Huh?"[/color] Caty asked just now hearing her friend's voice. [color=99d6ff]"You've been staring... with your mouth open. I love you, but it was kind of freaky."[/color] [color=E137E3]"Sorry, Liz. I just can't believe that we're at THE Oscorp! You know I used to want to work here."[/color] Liz noticed some saliva on Caty's chin and walked closer to her to wipe it off with the hem of her sleeve causing Caty's cheeks to turn a bright red. [color=99d6ff]"Yes, but you gave up on that because it was also your brother's dream and I quote, 'Oscorp doesn't deserve both of our brilliant minds, so I'll create my own company instead'. But you're not at all narcissistic, you just didn't want Danny to feel like he was always in your shadow."[/color] [color=E137E3]"I told you that?"[/color] Caty asked genuinely not remembering. [color=99d6ff]"No, but I know you and your brother. I'm very observant. Just like I know Gwen's with him and Harry right now because she wants to impress the latter at his dad's company today."[/color] [color=E137E3]"You're kind of scary, you know that?"[/color] Caty asked with a smile. Liz shrugged with a smile. [color=99d6ff]"I know. Anyway, let's go. I can't wait to see you flex that brilliant brain of yours today."[/color] Liz interlocked her arm with Caty's and led them inside with the rest of the class. Caty couldn't help but blush again and think about how perfect today was already starting to be.