Engelbert couldn't fully shed his worry, but once again the Gray Flame's wisdom shone through not unlike the blazing lantern that illuminated the immediate surrounding. It didn't take long for the first party member to break free of the phantom's grasp, and more soon followed. One of them even bumped at him before exaggeratedly rolling back, fully alert and clearly high-strung from the experience. The knight waved, trying to diffuse the tension and maaaybe stop the foreigner from touching the others. He wasn't sure why, but he trusted their guide. [b][color=#4269E2]"Welcome back. How are you feeling?"[/color][/b] He greeted, gesturing noncommitally to the rest. [b][color=#4269E2]"As you can see, not everyone's out of it yet. They should come back soon though."[/color][/b] If not, well, hopefully there's an alternative method to wake them up. Until then, all Engelbert can do is to be an anchor to ground them to reality and maybe keep the morale up. He's pretty good at that.