[center][img]https://i.postimg.cc/s2L7L4vm/91efc5254d27e3be9d67c7f711a5b91d.png[/img] [sup]Interactions: Amanda [@Kumbaris], Micheal Crane [@BigPapaBelial], Xaviron [@Martian], Morgana [@King Cosmos][/sup] [/center] [hr] While Faye was still feeling a bit bad and guilty about the outcome of the mission, Amanda's words were still very comforting to her, helping to at least take some of the guilt from Faye's shoulders. [color=f7941d]"I'm glad to see you are fine... Although... It might still take me a while to get used to seeing such procedure being performed..."[/color] Faye said with a nervous smile to Amanda. Even after hearing Amanda's own confirmation that she was fine and didn't feel pain while her parts were being changed, it was still a rather disturbing procedure to watch. At least for Faye. [color=f7941d]"Still... Thank you for your words. I just felt I should have done more... I froze when that creature was about to hit me... Even though I could have done something and It caused you to be... damaged."[/color] Faye said, searching for the proper words to say. [color=f7941d]"I-I will. Thank you, Amanda."[/color] Faye replied as Amanda told her to rest, with a warm smile before going to her room to get some well deserved rest. [hr] Taking the rest of the day to rest and almost the entire flight back to Frankfurt, which Faye mostly slept through, seemed to have done wonders both to her mood and her body. By the end of the flight, Faye had returned to her usual, bubbly and cheerful self. [color=f7941d]"Hi~! It took us a bit but we're finally back! You won't believe what we had to go through! It was honestly such a-"[/color] Faye said, waving towards Madeleine, Xaviron and Morgana with a smile before she excitedly began talking about the stuff they went through on their mission, just before Amanda spoke up. [color=f7941d]"Sorry~ Please continue."[/color] Faye said with a playful expression as Amanda asked for silence. sitting down and paying attention to Amanda's words. When Amanda gave the news that the Frankfurt office was calling the staff to both process and organize their findings, Faye was honestly surprised. She honestly didn't expect them to be so effective. The identity and location of the infamous 'Mr. X' was still unknown, although it would likely not remain so for too long. If they were lucky, the information they had already gathered would most likely, after it was properly organized by the office, start giving them some good leads to finally shed tome light on that particular mystery. Amanda's reminder of how widespread the use of eldritch magic was by My. X and it's associates was a disturbing reminder to Faye of what she would still have to go through. While definitely a threat that should be dealt with, it was still very uncomfortable for Faye to be near focuses of Eldritch magic. [color=f7941d]"The idea of this Mr. X being a deity doesn't sound that impossible now... I mean... This guy has both knowledge about some rather obscure magical knowledge and enough connections to gather weapons and resources from lots of places, doesn't it?"[/color] Faye said, thinking about Amanda's words. [color=f7941d]"Somehow... They seem to have a hand on almost everything we end up stumbling in. Both weapons, magic and even seemed to have a mole inside the Minsk office... Even for powerful people, having this degree of magic knowledge and such widespread influence would be considerably hard... But for a deity... it might not be THAT impossible."[/color] Faye said. It was just a theory, of course but it was one Faye did think had quite the possibility of being true. [color=f7941d]"If we consider this Mr. X really being a Deity, it would help us a lot to narrow down the suspects. We would just need to know who among the known deities would have reasons and knowledge to mess with Eldritch magic..."[/color] Faye said, looking to the rest of the team, wanting to hear their thoughts about her theory.