[b]Carol Kingsley[/b] [b]Female, 42[/b] [b]Image:[/b] coming [b]Marital Status and Sexual Orientation:[/b] [list] [*]Publicly, Carol is married to George Kingsley, an Administrator with the UNHCR. [*]Privately, she is an in-the-closet lesbian with a girlfriend located in Aukland, New Zealand. [*]She enjoys sex, so she is likely to take a new girlfriend on the island eventually. [/list] [b]Physical Description:[/b] coming, though it has been posted that she is 5'6" and petite. [b]Psychological Description/Personality:[/b] [list] [*]Confident, bold; a born leader. [*]Hard working, to the point of often driving herself to exhaustion. [*]A risk taker when necessary. [*]Kind and sympathetic, but willing to make hard decisions, too. [*]Fair; democratic. [/list] [b]Education:[/b] Several degrees, to be explained shortly. [b]Family/Friends:[/b] coming [b]Background:[/b] extensive public service to be soon explained [b]Other:[/b] [list] [*]She will immediately take charge because: one, she was the [i]boss[/i] in the first place; and two, that's just the kind of person she is. [*]Surviving isn't enough for her. Carol wants to [i]thrive[/i]. [*]Ironically, this was going to be her last Aid Mission. She was retiring from the field and settling down with her girlfriend in New Zealand. [/list] [b]Direction for your Character:[/b] [list] [*]Although she begins in charge, she will look for a way to delegate most if not all of her responsibility. For the past few years, she's been wanting to [i]settle back[/i] and just enjoy life. Aid work is stressful and, at times, traumatizing. [*]She will seek responsible people to take charge. [*]She will seek a new lover. [/list]