[quote=@The Savant] If we are going off from WW1 relations. France and Russia were friends, against Germany. Japan and Russia were on very good terms even though they had a prior fight like a decade or two before that. Japan was also teamed up with France, Russia, Britain, and other European nations during WW1. WW1 = the majority of European countries hating the Great Roman Empire (Germany) for practically no reason. [/quote] Millie: "[i]Holy[/i] Roman Empire." 😡 But they ain't even Romans. 🤣 Ah well, as funny as when that time Peter the Great and Suleiman the Magnificent claimed they were Romans too, I guess. Everyone and their mother wanted a piece of Caesar's ass. But currently, going by the zeroth IC post, Russia is currently Public Enemy#1 due to the Ukraine invasion.