[h2]Front Team[/h2] With the intervention by Numako, the seeming stalemate between the warrior monk and the monstrous centipede was broken, with the shapeshifting anomaly coming out on top. Sadly, as the warrior monk turned into goop, it didn't seem like it was aware of or even responding to the irony of the entire situation. The few reinforcements that came too late didn't offer much more than a pokey distraction. Of course, now that Arisa was outright cutting them in half, and being supported by Zhao, their offence had gone from flanking to a two-pronged attack and it seemed like they were overwhelming the enemy once again. Except. Except not [i]all[/i] of the sludge had been cleared away, and some of it was reforming into the very enemies that had already been defeated, spearmen bristling as they went in on the flanking team for an encirclement, and an arquebusier formerly shot in the head raising its loaded gun at the girl from behind. [hr] [h2]Sakura[/h2] "I'm not allowed to drop anomalies or possible anomaly constructs in random places, that becomes an [i]Incident,[/i]" Sakura stressed, the small girl shrugging at the offer. And then letting out a particularly aggravated squeak at the flashbomb. Now she couldn't see [i]anything[/i], and that made doing anything clever with positioning or restraints quite impossible. Which meant the next portal in front of her let forth more of a torrent of writhing limbs, disgorging more and more [i]vaguely[/i] in the area of the attacking ashigaru for only a second or two before she cut the thing off. She didn't [i]want[/i] to risk that the other agents would get hurt, after all... and being [i]maybe[/i] hit by a destructive alien limb was definitely better than being [i]definitely[/i] stabbed by a ghost soldier, right?