[center][h1][u]Entry 5: Mukau[/u][/h1][/center] [hider][center][img]https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/943310355701055538/1092220381663854712/Mukau.png?ex=65dbc4ff&is=65c94fff&hm=cf5498117bcbb7944b8abc25c9feb9298852b3cbf0908f6942ba00690b222781&[/img][/center][/hider] [hr] A large bovine Rahi that lives in herds in grasslands. Mukau are normally placid unless provoked, to the point that a Matoran can usually walk right up to one and touch it. That being said, their horns aren't just for show, and they will use them to deal with predators and settle disputes between individuals. [hr] [hider=Pakaru's assessment]Despite their size, Mukau are usually very gentle and easy to tame. Because of this, they're prime candidates for taming. A number have already been tamed for use as beasts of burden. It's not unusual to see one pulling a cart or a plow around Ora-Koro. That being said, they are easy to startle if approached from their blind spot, which is right behind them. Approaching from this spot is a good way to get kicked, as Tomil found out the hard way.[/hider]