[center][h1][u]Entry 7: Rock Ape[/u][/h1][/center] [hider][center][img]https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/943310355701055538/1082189571053330492/Rock_Ape.png?ex=65dc3113&is=65c9bc13&hm=b9755a330fbbd9b34b2725d4fc641a6af59c89e5210b7144cad823f267512136&[/img][/center][/hider] [hr] These powerful Rahi are close relatives of the [url=https://biosector01.com/wiki/Lava_Ape]Lava Ape[/url]. Unlike Lava Apes, they are incredibly shy and nomadic, preferring to avoid direct confrontation if at all possible; if they have no other option, they will defend themselves, using their massive strength to tear boulders from the ground and hurl them at enemies. They live in small groups, which is protected by the alpha individual. [hr] [hider=Pakaru's assessment]These Rahi may look fierce, but they prefer to avoid conflict unless directly threatened. Observing them is incredibly difficult, and only one or two Matoran in the Guild have been able to observe them for extended periods of time; Tafo believes that they're almost as intelligent as Matoran, though more data is necessary before drawing conclusions. If encountered, it's best not to look directly at them, as this may cause the Rock Ape to bluff charge. Observe from a distance.[/hider]