Chunji frowned. The enemies were still coming in droves despite the summoned Spawn thrashing itself amongst the group. It seemed having the Spawn rampage wasn't enough to stop them. If he couldn't stop them, then he'd have to pull out an alternative. Chunji covered his bloody wrist to halt the profuse bleeding. With another foreign word, he commanded the Spawn. "花田 - 大蛇莲" The Spawn let out soundless roar through its undeveloped vocal muscles. The Serpent coiled up and sprang up into the air. It came crashing into the ground, and throwing mud and grass everywhere. The Serpent disappeared down into the Earth before suddenly the land started to shift. What was once had been a relatively grassland, soon became a muddy marsh. As the Spawn was only a newborn, it couldn't perform the command to its fullest, though this would be enough. Anything that traversed through the mud would start rapidly sinking down into the Earth. The marsh acted as if it was sentinent and constantly tried to consume more and more. With being consumed, the marsh steadily grew as it feasted upon the humans. If only he had spawned a stalk rather than a spawn. Chunji imagined that a Stalk would have performed better, but he have to do with the Spawn. Where were these enemies materializing from? He couldn't channel the Serpent forever and he didn't know the progress on the fight with Professor Alto. If only there was a way to attack the leyline and disrupt the support it offered to Professor Alto. [b] "透过现象看本质!"[/b] Perceive beyond what the eyes can tell. Chunji hadn't tried this before, but he was going to try to observe the Overcharged Leyline. When he was younger, he would have used his Ethos on the Earth from time to time. The visual information that Chunji received would have more often than not, knocked him out from sheer mental pain. Though this was different. This wasn't an all-encompassing world, but rather a forced stage that wasn't even a spech of the Earth. He needed to know, he needed to presevere. Chunji wasn't going to let Rio's anger be the reason that he'd be stuck in a clinic.