[center][h1][u]Entry 8: Kadinoko[/u][/h1][/center] [hider][center][img]https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/943310355701055538/1082189397480443904/Kadinoko.png?ex=65dc30ea&is=65c9bbea&hm=1f9adfb0122f9eacec693ea0d46819a256c57a1d3d6a5df127b77116538e53dd&[/img][/center][/hider] [hr] An odd snake Rahi with a stout body. Despite their rotund appearance, they are able to hop and glide short distances thanks to a pair of small wings. Unlike most snakes they make a distinctive squeaking noise. On most occasions, they are rarely seen. However, once every seven years, Kadinoko swarm in the hundreds in the area around Ora-Koro. There are multiple theories as to why this event occurs, but none have been proven so far. [hr] [hider=Pakaru's assessment]These Rahi continue to be an oddity among the wildlife of Avsa Nui. Despite being venomous, they are harmless to Matoran, as their fangs are both too small and located in the back of the mouth. Some find them endearing, to the point that there's a small club dedicated to studying them... and selling cute, marketable plushies of them. Regardless, they are a slight nuisance when they congregate every few years, to the point that you can't walk around Ora-Koro without potentially stepping on one.[/hider]