[center][url=https://www.roleplayerguild.com/posts/5494758][img]https://i.imgur.com/9BCGgou.png[/img][/url][/center] [center][h3]--Aventon - Forest Outskirts--[/h3][/center] After Lewa confirmed their plan of action and while he was observing the large beast, Remilia took the time to float up to a nearby tree branch, one large enough to sit on comfortably and high enough to provide an adequate viewing of the Air Toa's pacification attempt. Ah, if only she had a glass of fine red wine, then it'd be a near-perfect substitute for theater watching. Alas, she'd have to do with what she was given as Lady Remilia made herself comfortable, slitted blood-red eyes focusing on the Toa and the Rahi as the former began approaching the latter. [color=d9457c][b]"..."[/b][/color] Much to her own slight surprise, Remilia found herself quite engrossed, perhaps because both of the subjects being observed were foreign entities as far as the vampiress was concerned, Lewa more so than the giant boar. [color=d9457c][i]Hmm...?[/i][/color] Foreign as it might be, Remilia could notice a threat display when she saw it, one of those ingrained instincts that animals - and people - from all walks of life seemed to share. [color=d9457c][i]I wonder if there's a reason for its unusual agitation...[/i][/color] It was then she noticed the scent of dripping, fresh blood wafting from the boar, prompting her to scrutinize the creature with her eyes. [color=d9457c][i]Ah... I see.[/i][/color] Nodding to herself, Remilia would fly over to Lewa, swift and silent like the nocturnal predator her kind naturally was. The Rayne-sized youkai would float next to Lewa's ear - or lack thereof - and began speaking in a whisper, [color=d9457c][b]"Sir Lewa, I must inform you that the beast is grievously injured, it'll likely perish on its own eventually if we leave it alone, so..."[/b][/color] She paused, [color=d9457c][b]"If you wish to save it, then I do have a proposal; do your best to restrain or, barring that, non-lethally incapacitate it so I may then heal its wounds without it making a fuss. What say you?"[/b][/color] Then there was also the matter of just what kind of creature could inflict such wounds upon the boar, but that's for later. [@PKMNB0Y] [@Lugubrious]