[h1][u]Ciara Ventura[/u][/h1] [i][color=gray]Acendia, Room 103 Fountain[/color][/i] [@Nanaya] [hr] [b][i]"Now...!”[/i][/b] She felt the sword lunging directly at her as she appeared, her own sword moving a fraction too slow to catch it. She was going to get hit! Until Iraleth snagged the professor into a choke, giving Ciara a second to catch her breath. The professor was good. Too good. Did he have actual physical combat experience? He had to, in order to keep up with her movements. Clearly not just an academic. [i]”I still hate his guts, even if his strength is admirable.”[/i] She thought with a grimace. Light poured in, evaporating her tendrils and shrinking down her shadow to a singular spot under her. She raised a hand to block the light, cursing under her breath as she watched Rio and Chloe dive in from above. The professor moved quick, and Ciara had barely enough time to dodge as Iraleth and Rio were pushed aside. And then, she saw it. In Chloe's grip, a hole had formed in the professor's barrier. [i]“This one has power in her hands.” [/i]A Voice whispered, brooding. [i]“She's gonna hurt the professor!” [/i]A small, child-like Voice. [i]“Oh, wondrous days!”[/i] The Voices echoed this one, cheering Chloe on. Ciara's eyes widened. [i]“She's gonna hurt the professor? That's- that's not according to the plan!”[/i] [i]“So? That light-hugger deserves it.” [/i]A Voice said coldly. [i]“Yes, just let it happen.”[/i] Another Voice crowed. Ciara shook her head.[i] “No, it's not right. I- I gotta- I gotta-!”[/i] As rain poured from above, creating steam from the heat of the flaming sword, Ciara ran, and then teleported forward, appearing in mid-air in front of Chloe. Her hurt arm extended to the side, aiming to clothesline Chloe in a half-tackle, to tear the girl away from the professor. If she was successful, both her and Chloe would roll to the ground, past the now withered thorn barrier. Ciara would hiss under her breath - being too close to the flaming sword for even a moment caused the steam to lick at her back. She could feel mild burns, mild tenderness of the skin. Anger bubbling up, she turned to face the professor from where she half-sat up from the ground, wincing in pain from her arms and mild burns. [b]“Your barrier is broken. That's [i]enough![/i]”[/b]