[@King Kindred] [color=ec008c][b] [h1] [center] Vera Regina Gilmour [/center][/h1][/b] [/color] [color=ec008c][b] [h1] [center] Edna’s Dinner: Trenton, New Jersey- 3:50 PM [/center][/h1][/b] [/color] Vera looked around frantically for a vehicle to escape. She was sure that the police would surround her. Her mind started racing imagining herself inside a jail cell. Another even worse image came into her head. She imagined she was sitting in a gas chamber waiting for that deadly gas to fill the room and kill her. Vera felt like her legs couldn’t budge even though she wanted to run. She felt like a deer stuck frozen in front of an oncoming car. Her train of thought was broken when she heard a voice calling to her. Quickly she turned around towards the source of the voice. Noticing the black male that she had served before she left the restaurant. Without another thought, she ran over to the car getting into the passenger’s seat. “[color=ec008c]Thank you, sir. I greatly appreciate your help.[/color]” She put the gun into her purse hoping that he wouldn’t notice. “[color=ec008c]They are trying to arrest me for a crime I didn’t even commit. But they seem pretty adamant that I did it.[/color]” She smiled but it was a smile of self-doubt and sadness. She was sure she didn’t commit the crimes they accused her of. But perhaps they were right and she was a killer. Vera poked her head out of the window being glad no police cars were chasing after them. “[color=ec008c]My name is Vera by the way. It’s nice to meet to meet you.[/color]” She extended her hand hoping he would shake it.