[center][h1][b]Iraleth Kyrios[/b][/h1][/center] The flames taxed Iraleth's barrier nearly to breaking point, but she endured. She had just enough to ensure that Alto wasn't leaving her grasp for the next several seconds, so whatever they were planning out there had better come soon. Their prison fell apart. The instant she saw Rio and Chloe plummetting down, Iraleth hurriedly extricated herself from the situation. Or at least she would have if Professor Alto didn't do it for her. She skidded back from the kick with a wince, the professor hitting far harder than she would have assumed. The tip of the sword slammed into the ground to slow her down, allowing the paladin to observe just what was going on. Unbeknowst to her, Iraleth drew the exact same conclusion as Ciara: letting Chloe loose on Professor Alto was unacceptable. Certainly, the effects were reversible, by all accounts. And he did have it coming. Just a little. But who knew how far the other half-elf would take it? They couldn't quite take that chance. She dashed forward at the same time as Ciara, running past the witch and Chloe as the former teleported forward to clothesline the latter. Iraleth didn't stop as she swung her arm out, her free hand moving to trap the professor's wrist before her sword smashed against Alto's, aiming to disarm the man. The moment her blade made contact, Iraleth hurriedly released the wrist with her off hand and drew a dagger, bringing it up to the point where Alto's Personal Barrier was broken. [b]"Yield."[/b] Iraleth ground out with a wince, practically radiating light as her own barrier struggled to hold back the heat for much longer. [@Estylwen]