[h2]Could be either...[/h2] [b]Deadly Deeds[/b] [i]Modern - Supernatural - Slice of Life[/i] [hider=Synopsis + Info] When a terrible accident results in the deaths of nearly everyone in a small coffee shop, a young barista is among the casualties. However, as fate would have it, it seems that this young soul has not yet reached the end of their line, and just like that, they quickly find themself pulled into the organization known as the Deadly Deeds Association. Welcomed by the leads of three separate departments within the organization, they are left with a choice, three to be precise: Work with Reese as a [i]placer[/i], and bring new life to the world; join Jaiden as a [i]reaper[/i], and collect the souls of those set to pass, ensuring that those facing more violent deaths feel no pain in their final moments; or, take on the role of a [i]slayer[/i] with the mysterious third head of department known as Lance, and bring about the ends of countless souls... [hider=Cast] [b][u]MAIN[/u][/b] Barista - TBD, Age tbd, tbd pref F or NB, tbd (yours) Reese Tailor - Placer, Head of Department - Age unkn - M - Het (mine) Jaiden Moore - Reaper, Head of Department - Age unkn - M - Bi (mine) Lance Erikson - Slayer, Head of Department - Age unkn - M - Unkn (mine) [b][u]OTHERS[/u][/b] Other DDA workers Other humans Souls of the recently deceased [/hider] [hider=Notes] [b][u]PLOT STUFF[/u][/b] [list][*] Can highly see the barista taking on the slayer role tbh, because Lance has the most interesting bg to unlock, but it's up to you! All three of the heads are spicy boys with a lot to learn about them. [*] Whichever choice the barista makes, though, will greatly affect the story, only one thing remains constant, that being the issue among the DDA that more and more souls are turning up as duds (see worldbuilding), meaning for less souls to deliver to new lives [*] Barista will also have to deal with living out a new life, unconnected to their past life or anyone they once knew, meaning they'll have to watch as their family moves on without them [*] Yes, this rp was inspired by the sitcom, Dead Like Me, but it became very much it's own thing [*] If multiple people are interested in this one, I can easily see it becoming a group rp with different characters in different departments, allowing for a lot more direction in the story as interactions with all three of the heads of departments reveal different secrets about the DDA and who they were in their past lives[/list] [b][u]WORLDBUILDING STUFF[/u][/b] [list][*] Okay, so when people die in this world, the energy from their soul is used to bring about a new soul and a new life, thus is the circle of life [*] This isn't known or even believed by living people though and no one living even knows anything about the DDA or how all this works. In short, the world is our world with every individual religion and other belief on death. There may be something out there that comes close to the DDA and how it really works, but even the DDA doesn't know all the specifics of the universe as no one knows what happens to a soul after its energy is collected and it makes its way to the light, all anyone knows is that a soul's energy is needed to bring about a new life [*] The way one ends up as a soul working for the DDA is having faced a near-death experience at some point in their life, which left their soul running on overtime, using up what energy would have been used to bring life to a new soul, and leaving a dead battery in its place [*] Because these souls can not bring new life, they also can not pass on, and so they spend the rest of their existence helping to continue the cycle of energy, using their time working with the DDA to basically "recharge" so they'll have enough juice to make the exchange [*] There are three different jobs a soul can do working for the DDA: [list][*] Placer - Places the energy of passed souls into new vessels. Done so, usually, by making contact with both parents at some point and in some way or another and dropping half of the energy into both of them so it can then be combined into a new soul. Thought to be the "cushiest" job, but in actuality is can be one of the most difficult and frustrating as the window to place the energy can often be very small and if they fail to place the energy in both before said window closes, the new soul will be lost. [*] Reaper - "Pops" the souls of those set to die, especially in the case of violent deaths, typically prior to the death taking place. This allows for a peaceful passing as the soul feels no pain and suffers no damage from the death. Said to be the most enjoyable job as it involves a lot of travel and socializing, though can also be the most dangerous job as it often involves getting up close and personal with freak accidents and horrific disasters. Workers of the DDA can't die, obviously, and heal at rapid rates, but it's still no fun being blown to pieces and having to put yourself back together again... [*] Slayer - The masterminds behind the deaths, they are the ones who cause the freak accidents and whatever else that brings about the end of a soul. Everything from snuffing out an elderly individual on their last breath to ensuring a gas station is set ablaze. No one really understands the reasoning for their more violent acts, it is simply the direction of those...above...in the "company"[/list] [*] Workers of the DDA still feel human pains, from hunger and dehydration to exhaustion and pain. While they heal fast, they can still be hurt as easily as a human, and all dangers to humans can still pose as hindrances to them. After all, a shot to the head will never exactly be pleasant. Because of this, they still need to eat, sleep, shower, and take care of themselves as they did in life [*] The DDA does not pay their workers, it's not a real job after all, and so workers of the DDA have to get actual jobs among the living to make by, as the DDA also does not supply housing or anything else for the workers, even so, they can't let their day job get in the way of their DDA duties... [*] Refusing to do one's DDA duty can lead to great consequences, possibly even resulting in the deaths of those not yet set to die [*] Humans can not see the true face of a worker for the DDA except on Halloween and the Day of the Dead, this is to prevent recognition among those recently deceased by family and friends [*] Animals also have souls and work the same way as humans, but they're a whole different department [*] Even elements of nature have souls, and there's a whole department that sees to the souls of trees destined to be hit by a forest fire or whatever other disasters may occur [*] Both of these previously mentioned departments are shrouded in mystery, however, as the three heads know little about these other departments themselves (I'll add more if people have questions)[/list] [/hider] [/hider] [b]Immunity[/b] [i]Modern-ish - Sci-fi - Light Crime - On the Run[/i] [hider=Synopis + Infos] At the age of 19, Jace Allan Martyr fell gravely ill, a condition which baffled doctors all around. No one could tell Jace what was making him sick. No one could offer Jace a cure. All anyone knew for certain was he would surely die sometime before he reached the age of 40. Five years since his initial diagnosis, Jace's condition has gotten significantly worse. With his new symptoms and ever-growing weakness, doctors now give him but a couple of years to get his finances in order...if even that long. Desperate to find a way out, Jace searches the internet and soon comes across an admittedly sketchy website. The website has very little to it, having only an advertisement for an acclaimed "miracle drug" and a place to get in touch with one of the team members who developed it. Seeing nothing left to lose, he takes his chance and writes in, pleading for the opportunity to join their research. As the weeks pass, Jace's condition steadily declines, and the man finds himself losing the last of his hope for survival. Just when he can take it no more, however, a knock at his door stops him from doing the unthinkable, and there, on the doormat, a simple black box with a note and nothing more. Upon inspection, the note is revealed to have but two words written on it in courier font, "Take two," and inside the box is nothing more than a little orange bottle filled with glassy black pills. Jace takes the dose with not an ounce of hesitation, and just like that, his fate is sealed. Before Jace knows it, his life is turned completely upside down as, while the drug indeed improves his condition, rendering him healthier than even before he first started showing symptoms of his condition, it also comes with rather remarkable side effects. Side effects which the people in charge of this illicit project are highly interested in. With his new-found health, Jace also finds a new-found loss of freedom as he's quickly strung into a web of crime and ever-present danger. Forced to use his new superhuman abilities for "jobs" given to him by his so-called "doctors". Should he refuse, he'll be stripped of his place in the project, his access to The Cure revoked, and, as he's been assured by The Doctors, he'll surely die within the week as his sickness accelerates beyond control, now forever mutated by the compounds in the mysterious drug he was so eager to accept. There's no way out, or so it seems, as Jace refuses to give in to death a second time now that he remembers what it feels like to truly be alive. Searching for an escape from the control of the project leaders, Jace enlists the help of his personal "handler" in the project. It's a longshot, he knows, and whether or not they'll actually help him given their position with the "company", but he sees it as his only chance, and after all, Jace has never been above taking risks. (this might be edited because I'm uber tired) [hider=Cast] [b][u]MAIN[/u][/b] [list][*] Jace Allan Martyr - Superhuman - Age 24 - M - Het (mine) [*] (handler tbn) - Handler - Age tbd - Pref F - tbd (yours)[/list] [b][u]OTHERS[/u][/b] [list][*] Jace's actual doctors [*] The "Doctors" [*] Other people part of the project [*] Other superhumans [*] Random civilians and family/friends[/list] [/hider] [hider=Notes] [b][u]PLOT STUFF[/u][/b] [list][*] Plot will be about Jace trying to break away from the Doctors without dying [*] This will primarily be done by convincing his handler to help him escape and still provide him with The Cure [*] Jace will be struggling with addiction [*] Coming down off The Cure will have serious side effects which will basically be Jace [i]dying[/i] [*] That said, Jace can also overdose on The Cure and that's bad [*] Eventually Jace and his handler will be on the run from the Doctors with a stolen supply of the Cure [*] I can see this one becoming a group rp through the addition of others taking the cure who are either allies or enemies, but otherwise I feel it'd mostly be a 1x1; still, if multiple people are interested, I'm sure it can be worked out![/list] [b][u]WORLDBUILDING[/u][/b] [list][*] I'll write stuff as questions arise, or something idk, my brain stopped working[/list] [/hider] [/hider] [b]Forgotten Evils[/b] [i]"Middle Earth" - Fantasy - Adventure[/i] [hider=Synopis + Infos] When the great Twilight Soldier, champion to the Dark Lord, nearly loses his life to a brutal attack by a wild beast, he is left clinging to life, with not a trace of who or what he is. It is only through the aid of a team of rebel heroes fighting against the dark forces, that he is allowed to survive, as, after some extensive debate, they take him into their care. Upon learning of his loss of memory, the party is skeptical at best, knowing full well that he could very well be lying to them, toying with them all the while as he waits for an opening to take them all down once and for all. As time goes on, however, it becomes abundantly clear that the man truly has lost all knowledge of his past and himself. Through their travels, the team observes as the once cruel and deadly being displays kindness and compassion, helping them along in their quests wherever they go. Could it really be that the Twilight Soldier has been reformed? Or is this merely an elaborate plan by the Dark Lord themself? [hider=Cast] [b][u]MAIN[/u][/b] [list][*] Mordekai Draekovic - [s]Twilight Soldier[/s]; Warlock - Age ~30 - M - Bi (mine) [*] Tuerie Banesoale - Rebel; Paladin - Age 27 - M - Het (mine) [*] Vladir Nottimyr - Rebel; Barbarian - Age 42 - M - n/a (mine) [*] Luekal Nottimyr - Rebel; Barbarian - Age 17 - M - Gay (mine) [*] (mage tbn) - Rebel; Cleric - Age tbd - pref F - tbd (yours) [*] (dark lord tbn) - Dark Lord; tbd - Age tbd - any - tbd (either)[/list] [b][u]OTHERS[/u][/b] [list][*] Other members of rebel party?? [*] Other soldiers of darkness [*] Other rebels in general [*] Random civilians[/list] [/hider] [hider=Notes] [b][u]PLOT STUFF[/u][/b] [list][*] Story will be a road-trip adventure following the rebel party and the amnesiac twilight soldier as they make their way to face off against the Dark Lord [*] Adventures, quests, and more abound [*] Cleric secretly starts reteaching Mordekai how to use magic [*] Tuerie eventually finds out and is absolutely PISSED [*] Tuerie is kinda sus on morality tbh [*] Re-learning magic helps Mordekai regain his memory, but his time spent with the small party leads has changed his values by then and he pretends to still be blissfully unaware of his past [*] Eventually it comes out that he remembers and even the Cleric feels betrayed [*] From there many things could happen, but I wanna hear your ideas! [*] Eventually dark lord makes an appearance and tries to get Mordekai back under their control [*] Potential for romance between Mordekai and cleric!! [*] Could potentially see this being a group rp too given the adventure plot! Welcome to multiple people being interested!![/list] [b][u]WORLDBUILDING[/u][/b] [list][*] Full on fantasy-d&d-esk world, for the most part; we can build it up together!![/list] [/hider] [/hider] [b]The Seventh Sector[/b] [i]Future - Dystopia - Sci-fi/Supernatural - Crime - Mystery[/i] [hider=Synopis + Infos] When an unfortunate accident lands (young woman tbn) in the walled prison city known as The Pit, a place where criminals are cast to live out the remainder of their lives, away from general society, she is found by one of the seven Gatekeepers of the Pit, people who are given enhanced abilities as means to keep order within the inescapable city. Known only by the name Seven, the Gatekeeper shows (tbn) that there is much more to the special prison than the outside is allowed to believe, but with every secret he reveals, a thousand more seem to arise. While he claims to want only to help her escape back to her rightful freedom, it is questionable what Seven's true intentions may be with (tbn) when her time in The Pit only grows longer and longer with no word of her getting out. [hider=Cast] [b][u]MAIN[/u][/b] [list][*] Pietro "Seven" Abbey - Gatekeeper - Age unkn; assumed early-30's - M - Unkn (mine) [*] (woman tbn) - Civilian - Age tbd - F - tbd (yours) [*] Dr. Raimo Thell - Doctor - Age 45 - M - tbd (either) [*] (sixth sector gatekeeper) - Gatekeeper - Age tbd - tbd - tbd (yours)[/list] [b][u]OTHERS[/u][/b] [list][*] The other Gatekeepers [*] Dr. Thell's Plethora of Illegally-Adopted Children™ (7 to 11) [*] Prisoners of The Pit [*] Outer security/general authorities outside of the Gatekeepers[/list] [/hider] [hider=Notes] [b][u]PLOT STUFF[/u][/b] [list][*] This was originally a 1x1, but I could see it being adaptable for a small group with the potential to set up "nations" through the separate sectors [*] The story will mostly be about the woman, who should be [i]dead[/i] after literally [i]falling[/i] into The Pit, and her journey to get back out to safety [*] She is helped and guided by Seven, who illegally picked her up from the Sixth Sector, where she actually fell, who claims that he will see to it that she is transported out of the city as soon as he can speak with the Outer Guards [*] Because of security cameras throughout The Pit, Sixth is well aware of Seven's crime, and this causes [i]problems[/i] as they demand the woman be returned to them, though they have no intentions to assist her in getting back out to her city of origin [*] This basically instigates a gang war, which puts the people of Seventh in danger [*] Over time, tensions spread to the other sectors as well and sides are taken, with most being against Seven and his actions [*] All the while, it seems no progress is made towards getting the woman home, as she becomes the center point of this chaos right along side Seven when it's revealed that she too has powers very similar to those of the Gatekeepers (how else would she survive a fall of over 2,000 ft?) [*] How or why she has these powers is as much a mystery as Seven himself, and with enemies throughout the entirety of The Pit wanting both of their heads on steaks, the two along with their limited allies struggle to survive long enough to figure out just what the hell is going on[/list] [b][u]WORLDBUILDING[/u][/b] [list][*] The Pit is a large city-like compound nestled at the center of seven other cities [*] It is surrounded by huge, sloping walls which act as a cone around, making it impossible to climb up [*] It is split into seven equal sections, Sectors, which each lies at the gates to one of the surrounding cities; these Sectors are then further split into three sections, creating the Outer, Inner, and Central rings [*] Lower crime residents of The Pit are typically settled in the Outer Ring, close to the gates, while higher crimes reside in the Inner Ring, and the most heinous of criminals are barred away within the Center Ring; the rings are separated by deep chasms, which can only be crossed at specified points through gates. Lower ring residents may visit the higher rings and be allowed to return to their ring of origin, but higher ring prisoners can not travel to the lower rings under any circumstances; this is mainly to allow for medical aid to be delivered to those within the inner rings, and there is little other reason for anyone but a Gatekeeper or other authority to pass through the gates [*] Everyone within the massive city of The Pit is a criminal to some degree, everyone, except, of course, for the children [*] No one outside The Pit knows children are living in The Pit, as it has always been believed that prisoners sent there were sterilized before being incarcerated; as it was, this was the arrangement at the start, but as the process became too costly, the government gave up, and now, as a result, the city is crawling with families of every kind. Most children go homeless as parents either neglect them or run them out through abuse. It is another of the Gatekeepers' duties to see to it that these children are protected, but not all Gatekeepers uphold this commitment [*] The Pit is supplied monthly with various necessities, each Sector getting their own delivery through their respective city gate [*] The Pit sees very little light because of the angle of the walls, and often floods when it rains due to poor sewage systems; some wonder if this was an intended feature to try and drown the criminals and be rid of them once and for all [*] While there are clear separations between the Rings, the Sectors have no such thing, and rather simply have markers on the buildings and outer wall to show the territory of each [*] Each Sector inclines to a different crime, Seventh is known for the drug trade [*] Oh yeah, crime still takes place in The Pit, because of course, it does, criminals always find a way, and putting a stop to these crimes is meant to be the primary function of the Gatekeepers, aside from keeping the gates, of course, but many of the Gatekeepers are corrupt, mad with power, and lead these crimes personally [*] Seven is very much against the drug trade in his Sector, as it has been the cause of many children's deaths[/list] [/hider] [/hider]