Ali jumped at the sudden booming voice, turning to glance at a well-dressed man that if she guessed was around her stepfathers age – if not a few years older. But he talked to him as if they were old friends, but the smile that crossed Henry’s lips gave her a sick feeling in the pit of her stomach. She always had a sick feeling when he had that look, he was never up to any good. “Henry is actually my stepfather; my father was killed in a car accident when I was ten.” Ali corrected politely, ignoring the look that Henry shot in her direction. The two looked nothing alike, they didn’t even have similar personalities which was probably why they butted heads so often. Ali felt a small smile pull at the corner of her lips as the older gentleman complimented her, though the comment about if he was a few years younger taking her for himself threw her off. She was confused about what this meeting was about, but it soon became obvious as the conversation went on. “I don’t see it being a problem and I do appreciate you being so flexible to do this, my wife’s medical bills and funeral expenses were much more than I had expected – we weren’t aware her life insurance policy wouldn’t cover the entire service unfortunately.” Henry explained as if her mother's death was merely a transaction to him, “Not to mention continuing to keep Ali here in the school she is currently in.” He added. Her schooling had nothing to do with the financial situation they were in, Henry couldn’t manage money to save his life – not to mention he had a gambling and drinking problem. “How can I get married? I’m not even eight-” Ali stopped as Henry glared at her, that threatening look her got in his eyes that stopped her in her tacks for fear of what would be coming next in her direction once they got home or anywhere more private than they currently were. However, she doubted that the mafia would be completely opposed to Henry’s abuse of her – she was sure in one of his drunken rages the other night he had cracked her ribs over her not having dinner ready when he got home because she’d been studying for exams. “Your mother left you in my custody, therefore I can sign off on you to get married at seventeen – after all, you're only weeks shy of turning eighteen and then you're what? Two months away from graduation? I’m sure Antonio and Joseph will be very supportive in you finishing your schooling – after all, with two months left...surely, they wouldn’t mind the absences due to your honeymoon. You’d get to go on that spring break trip you and your mother always talked about.” Henry muttered, a soft sigh escaping from Ali’s lips. She knew he was right; she didn’t have a single say – Henry was her legal guardian. He could sign off on her marrying Joseph and her moving in with him, Henry would love to have the house to himself. Antonio, however, had a point, though his son looked in rather rough shape now – she was sure he was handsome when he was cleaned up. She studied Joseph a moment, before turning her attention back to his father and her stepfather. “How much exactly do you owe, Henry? I know for a fact my mother's insurance covered a large majority of her bills – it wasn’t her fault nor was it mine that you leave work and go to the track to bet on horses or dogs or the casino.” Ali commented, watching Henry grinding his teeth as he balled his hand up – she was preparing herself for the back of his hand to come across her face. But he seemed to get his thoughts collected enough to unclench his hand, still gritting his teeth. “You’ll have to excuse my stepdaughter's mouth; she sometimes forgets that women need to be seen and not heard.” He muttered coldly more in her direction than Antonios, causing Ali to flinch slightly. She was well aware of what was coming her way as soon as they left, leaving thoughts running through her head of how quickly she would be able to get into the house and up the stairs – into the safety of her locked bedroom with what she was wearing. “Actually, since Alison is on spring break – couldn't hurt for them to move in together now, seems the perfect opportunity for them to get to know each other without the distraction of her schooling.” Henry suggested, clearly eager to get her out of the house.